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Dealing with ex's

4 replies

mummylouise · 07/04/2011 10:02

Hi all need some advice as not sure what to do. Last night was out with my kids and step son - his mum was there. He was a bit checky told me, his mum told him of. I did comment re checkness, but told him he could stay tomorrow night (Thur), no response on this from mum. She txted my DP To stay she didn't like how i spoke too step son. I don't know whether to ask her to spk to me if she has a prob with me or just leave it?

OP posts:
mummylouise · 07/04/2011 16:52

Because DP is away this week starting a new job ss was not staying till fri.
DP and exw sorted this last week. This was going to be a long term arrangment, but from next wk will go back too us have ss 2 nights during week and all wkend. DP was meant too be wking away but will now be wking an hour away, so is much better.

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Namechangearamanama · 07/04/2011 16:46

Just ignore, don't let it get to you.

For what it's worth, I don't think cheekiness should mean you have to confirm that he can still stay with you. he should always be able to stay with you, bad behaviour or not.

Mother is being precious and trying to gaslight your DP in to thinking you've done something wrong when you havent.

prettyfly1 · 07/04/2011 15:46

leave it - its tough. Unless you were offensive to him she should have said something at the time. Ignore her.

mummylouise · 07/04/2011 10:03

Spelling mistakes!!! SS was bit checky to me but i never said anything to him.

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