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If you want to see spot squeezing, popping or videos showing the removal of blackheads - this is the place for you.

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Blackhead removal

36 replies

starryeyed19 · 16/02/2018 10:03

This will change your life. Apologies if it's already been posted

OP posts:
starryeyed19 · 15/08/2018 23:41

Just when you think there can't be any left...

OP posts:
viques · 15/08/2018 16:00

I was so worried that all the bits were going to slip down the patients ear hole and have to be hoovered out again! I'm pretty sure that if I was on the business end of those tweezers I would have lost several chunks in my excitement.

AdoraBell · 15/08/2018 15:44

Place marking.🤢😁

BestZebbie · 15/08/2018 15:41

OMG - Are we sure she didn't break through into that poor person's sinus and excavate a years worth of bogeys?

binkyblinky · 15/08/2018 12:54

It's the gift that keeps on giving
I've watched this soooo many times!

Therunecaster · 13/08/2018 20:25 first sporn. Feel sick but strangely fascinated. How could there be so much stuff. The end lump was very large and satisfying to see come out. What are these you tube videos you refer too.....

tenlittledinosaurs · 27/05/2018 13:18

Bumping this as it's my absolute favourite

LifeOfRiley63 · 25/02/2018 22:18

Ultimate video! Could watch this forever

iknowimcoming · 19/02/2018 09:14


IHaveACuntingPlan · 19/02/2018 09:02

I just fell down there black hole of YouTube videos, 4.5 hrs later I'm finally going to try and sleep!

I do that regularly. I often get lost in Dr. Pimple Popper's back catalogue. Last night I forced myself to switch it off at a more reasonable time and go to bed. Dr thinks I'm odd because I watch these spot popping videos but I just tell him that if she has millions of followers I can't be the only one!

MickHucknallspinkpancakes · 19/02/2018 08:55

Another one who was getting a bit antsy at the bits in the ear. I kept shouting "take them out" at my phone.

They were almost fossilised. Shock

Rhubarbginmum · 19/02/2018 08:34

If anyone is interested I purchased a wad of spot and blackhead tools for my dd in a case from Amazon recently. They weren’t very expensive and had a tool like this in but I wasn’t as adapt at using it on dd’s tiny blackheads in her ear.

neverstraightforward · 19/02/2018 04:26

Feel sick. That's not any sort of blackhead I've ever seen!ConfusedEnvy

Adarajames · 19/02/2018 04:17

I just fell down there black hole of YouTube videos, 4.5 hrs later I'm finally going to try and sleep!

ursuslemonade · 19/02/2018 00:04

Ooooh a great weight loss video.😥
I admire the persons patience as I would just start squeezing the fucker.
Thank you op, I will watch this when I'm feeling peckish, hope it helps me curb my appetite 😀

calzone · 18/02/2018 23:58

Thanks for this

Utterly fabulous!

I’m obsessed with dr Pimple Popper on IG as well.

Sevendown · 18/02/2018 23:54

People get black heads in their ears?!?

mamarach26 · 18/02/2018 23:48

Me and DP just cuddled up and watched this. Blush it makes me want one so I can do this!!

Dontsayyouloveme · 18/02/2018 22:45

Amazing but it worries me, her leaving all the gunk just on her ear! If she’d knocked it it could have gone down the canal! 🤣🤣

Vinotinto78 · 18/02/2018 22:33

Anyone else shouting "quick, fetch a crochet hook"?

Oblomov18 · 17/02/2018 22:17

Good grief. That is horrendous.

Rhubarbginmum · 17/02/2018 21:54

Omg absolutely gross but can’t really believe it’s real. Were the blackheads and surely the person must have been sedated? My 13 year old has a small cluster of small black heads in both ears but tiny ones and she screams every time I try to get them out.


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ScreamingValenta · 17/02/2018 21:29

Bliss Smile

JennyOnAPlate · 17/02/2018 21:16

My 10 year old has a few blackheads in her ear and won't let me near them Angry

Only1scoop · 17/02/2018 21:13

Just watched again Blush

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