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Can you stop cysts refilling?

17 replies

Appuskidu · 24/09/2017 14:49

I have a cyst on the back of my head which has been getting bigger for years. It started hurting on Friday and DH looked at it yesterday and poked it and 10 years' worth of gunk came out (I think he rather enjoyed it!) and it was all flat.

However, today, it seems to have refilled a bit. He's had another prod and has got a load more icky stuff out and it's flat again but will it just keep filling up?? It feels painful today :(

OP posts:
BrianBettyGrable · 28/10/2017 22:13

I had one on the back of my head as a child and had it removed by the GP under local when I was a teenager. I remember being v anxious about having a patch of hair shaved, but the GP was understanding and just cut the bare minimum he needed to in order to do the procedure. I think it was probably only about the size of a £2 coin which was then covered by the surrounding hair.

Theseaweed · 28/10/2017 22:09

My OH had one removed from his head at the GPs and he didn't need his head shaving. The scar has no hair on it but is very thin now.

Comedyusername · 28/10/2017 22:06

Hope you feel better soon. Thanks for the update! Flowers

Wellandtrulyoutnumbered · 27/10/2017 23:33

Oh no! Hope it's better soon.

Appuskidu · 27/10/2017 21:32

I managed to get an appontment this afternoon!

It's infected and I have antibiotics. If/when it's settled down, I have to go back to the GP and they will decide whether to refer me to have it removed. They were talking about shaving my hair though Shock.

OP posts:
Wellandtrulyoutnumbered · 27/10/2017 21:28

GP possibly infected.

Appuskidu · 27/10/2017 12:36

Yes, I think you are right. GP or nurse?

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Rosa · 27/10/2017 12:27

agree I would go and get it seen

DonkeyOaty · 27/10/2017 12:25

You ought to get it seen by a medic. Sorry.

Appuskidu · 27/10/2017 12:23

Well-slight update. It has refilled and then lots of green stuff came out which smelt like cheesy feet-it was disgusting. It is now really red, big and hurts-is it worth me going to the GP? Or practice nurse?!

Would they shave my hair where it is??

OP posts:
Appuskidu · 24/09/2017 16:01

I have never had a painless, colourless giant spot that has lasted over ten years growing steadily in size, so I don't think so!

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Nazdarovye · 24/09/2017 15:53

Wasn't it a giant spot?

Plump82 · 24/09/2017 15:51

I had similar to what youve described
It refilled maybe 4 times and each time i had a good squeeze and sone gunk came out until the 5th time it refilled i gave it a right good squeeze. After the gunk came out this flat white stuff appear, almost like a tiny deflated balloon which i assume was the sack. Since then its remained flat. I know where it was but it isnt raised any more.

Lozmatoz · 24/09/2017 15:37

My mum had one for YEARS! As long as I can remember, I'm well into my 30s. A year or ago it suddenly did as you described. Don't think it ever refilled. Speak to GP.

KingJoffreysRestingCuntface · 24/09/2017 15:26

Oh, yes!

Lovely digging.

Or see a proper dermatologist. But it will just keep refilling unless you evict the bugger.

Appuskidu · 24/09/2017 15:23


I'm not sure how he'd get the sack out without some anaesthetic?! Surely he'd have to do substantial digging around??

OP posts:
KingJoffreysRestingCuntface · 24/09/2017 14:51

Er, photos??

He has to get the sack out. But he MUST film it!

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