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Q&A about weaning with Annabel Karmel - ANSWERS BACK

84 replies

LucilleMumsnet · 16/06/2014 15:05

This week we're running a Q&A about weaning with Annabel Karmel MBE. Mother of three Annabel is the UK's leading children's cookery author. In her latest book, Quick and Easy Weaning, she takes the stress out of your baby's transition to solid food, guiding you through the weaning process step-by-step, from your baby's very first purée to introducing more complex flavours and textures.

Post your questions about weaning to Annabel before 10am on Friday 20 June and we'll send over a selection and post up her answers on Monday 30 June.

This Q&A is sponsored by Ebury Publishing.

Q&A about weaning with Annabel Karmel - ANSWERS BACK
Q&A about weaning with Annabel Karmel - ANSWERS BACK
OP posts:
chocomochi · 16/06/2014 21:45

Oops. Slightly derailed from the OP there.

Queen0fFeckingEverything · 16/06/2014 22:00

Yes, that was actually what she said!

But that was several years ago so I'm just curious to know if she's educated herself changed her mind since then Smile

Solo · 17/06/2014 00:13

Would you like to buy your book off me? was a complete waste of money for us.

eightyearsonhere · 17/06/2014 00:33

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JimbosJetSet · 17/06/2014 06:46

Why do you add refined sugar to all of your toddler snacks, when most of the other popular brands of toddler snacks have demonstrated it is perfectly possible to make food without it?

JimbosJetSet · 17/06/2014 07:14

Ooh, another one.

Did you nor your agent think it a good idea to do a search for 'Annabel Karmel' on Mumsnet before you decided this was a suitable forum to promote your latest wares? Grin

Itsfab · 17/06/2014 08:02

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RabbitSaysWoof · 17/06/2014 08:37

Can anyone link to the This Morning clip?

DrMouse · 17/06/2014 09:15

I've recently got your complete book out again as i've started weaning DS2. Some of the recipes have been great.

A Couple of questions...

Does anyone bothered boiling and skinning a tomato? I always just put in some tinned or passata.

I was really surprised that you suggest very dilute squash for babies... Surely that's sugar they don't need?

Oh and please make your ice cube tray thingies dishwasher proof. Washing them by hand is a pain!

littleducks · 17/06/2014 09:27

I remember the lychee stone comment. I think it was radio 4 women's hour.

I also read a magazine article ever she stated that she was glad she had written the recipe books as when her son got married his wife souks be able to recreate the dishes Hmm. I found that a bit odd..... Could you imagine that as a MIL thread on here!

Also she used to be very anti prepared good for children, saying you should cook your own fresh food as it was healthier. Then she launched a range of ready meals Shock which were featured on Panorama or one of those investigation programs as they were really unhealthy.

affafantoosh · 17/06/2014 10:09

Mine are past the weaning stage now, thankfully having survived my repeated attempts to choke them to death by handing them actual food, so I don't really have any questions that wouldn't get me banned

I have to say, I'm really surprised this is a Q&A though. A webchat would have been much more fun Grin

RebeccaMumsnet · 17/06/2014 10:31

Hi all,

Can we please remind folks of our webchat guidelines especially:
'you're free to voice your opinion, but do be civil/polite - please afford our guests the same cordiality you would if they stopped by your own house.'

We do have a Q&A coming up next week about baby led weaning so it might be an idea to save your questions about that for then.

Many thanks

HavantGuard · 17/06/2014 12:44

Guests that stop by my house to try and sell me things get shown the door.

MiaowTheCat · 17/06/2014 12:45

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Itsfab · 17/06/2014 12:53

About 13 years ago I did something with DS1 that I now realise was BLW. Go me Grin.

pootlebug · 17/06/2014 13:29

In [ this 2007 interview] both you and your 18 year old son admitted that he had left home without any idea how to cook.

Since then you have published books that cover the topic of cooking with children and teaching them to cook. Do you regret not teaching your son when he was small?

pootlebug · 17/06/2014 13:31

Apologies my link didn't work - will try again:

In this 2007 interview both you and your 18 year old son admitted that he had left home without any idea how to cook.

Since then you have published books that cover the topic of cooking with children and teaching them to cook. Do you regret not teaching your son when he was small?

littleducks · 17/06/2014 13:38

Ah that's the article about the (possible future) wife cooking the same meals.

Itsfab · 17/06/2014 13:43

Hmm at his wife being able to cook AK recipes. She should have said both of you.

nethunsreject · 17/06/2014 15:00

What training and qualifications have you completed regarding infant nutrition?
Are you aware of the WHO code on the marketing breastmilk substitutes? (this includes solids marketed for children under approximately 6 months of age.)

SweetPeaPods · 17/06/2014 15:19

DrMouse completely agree on the skinning tomatoes! It also puts me off trying that recipe as far too much effort!

FrankelandFilly · 17/06/2014 17:12

Marking my place as PFB DD is 3.5 months old and even this early on I'm stressing about the thought of weaning!


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Itsfab · 17/06/2014 17:18


I maintain the book was helpful to me in parts but then so was the Lorraine Kelly one I bought and that one had recipes that worked and were much more realistic. Making smiley faces out of food just makes the child think eating is something mummy really wants me to do so I won't today..

Oriunda · 17/06/2014 17:35

Havant, no one forced you to open this post, read it and take time to respond. Therefore I think comparing AK to an unwelcome guest at your door is a bit poor.

babymouse · 17/06/2014 18:09

thread hijack - but an easy way to peel tomatoes is to put them in boiling water, then take them out and drop them in an ice water bath. take them out and they'll break super easy to peel.

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