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SN children

well the worst (for us) has happened. I feel dead.

39 replies

hereidrawtheline · 17/07/2009 11:19

was drafting my complaint to the chief exec of the hosp DS has been involved with and I received the post. had a letter from the pead he is with saying she has transferred his care to another hosp trust. that's it. we're starting over. I think I am done now. this is why we've had no appointment or return calls etc. no cahms. nothing. its all over it isnt even in the same trust now. they officially wiped their hands of us and all the waiting and agony in the last year was for nothing.

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sarah293 · 17/07/2009 18:40

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BriocheDoree · 17/07/2009 20:22

Hugs. Look after yourself.

moondog · 17/07/2009 22:24

Here, you can still go ahead with your complaint.
You can indeed also forge a new relationshio and wipe the slate clean.
Please contact your local SNAP/Parent Partnership.They can help support you emotionally and practically through this.

notfromaroundhere · 18/07/2009 08:32

How are you today, Hereidrawtheline?

lottiejenkins · 18/07/2009 08:44

I second anons praise of Ipswich Hospital! They are fab there! Dont give up !!!

hereidrawtheline · 18/07/2009 09:10

hi there! thanks, I am better today as in not like a zombie.

I am going to stick with mid essex because that is the trust DH works for so I am hoping it will get us some special treatment or at least some basic respect which clearly we have been lacking.

I've only been awake for 20 mins and my eyes are really fuzzy I cant see a thing.

I have made the official complaint over the phone, this weekend I have to write it all up as well and email it to the chief exec. I am also complaining to the MP and I put the complaints dept over a barrel just out of spite. She asked me if the standard 25 days to address complaint was sufficient and I said no I want 16. And I said if I Wasnt happy with the result I would write about it on my blog. But I said the MP was being contacted regardless.

Use a well worn phrase "not being funny" but I have been nice and compassionate to their needs for a year and they have screwed me time and time again and left my family in the dust. So right now - fuck them. I will be calm and in the right but I wont give them any leeway. MP here I come. They forget they are a service provider.

OP posts:
FabBakerGirlIsBack · 18/07/2009 09:16

I hope you get all you need.

Stay strong.

moondog · 18/07/2009 10:33

Glad you feel stronger.
Hang in there.

debs40 · 18/07/2009 12:34

Sorry all this is happening. Looks like you are doing the right thing. MP's letters really get things going - even if it is just an enquiry on your behalf (my friend is a hospital manager and told me this!).

Good luck and don't feel too proud to get some support for yourself. You always sounds so stressed out (understandably so) and I always think you could do with a bit of time to just blurt all this out in safe, sympathetic, non-judgmental surroundings.

anonandlikeit · 18/07/2009 13:20

Glad you have found the strength to battle on, hopefully it will ultimately get you the help & support you need.
Don't forget be clear about what you want for your family.

Through all this battling don't forget to allow yourself some time for a break, you do sound exhausted (soory don't mean that to sound nasty). It is OK to take a day off from the phone calls etc, can you hand everything over to dh for a day & just take yourself off somewhere, do something just for you, even if it is to have a good cry, drink wine, retail therapy, whatever floats your boat really.

lingle · 18/07/2009 20:14

supportive vibes from Yorkshire

busybeingmum · 18/07/2009 23:09

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busybeingmum · 19/07/2009 09:20

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hereidrawtheline · 19/07/2009 15:27

busybeingmum your letter writing ritual is very impressive and didnt just inspire me it also cheered me up thank you

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