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lets talk about G-tubes

59 replies

needmorecoffee · 09/12/2008 17:52

dd has a PEG and the tube is at least 46 feet long. We could lassoo elephants with it. How do it keep it disceretly tugged somewhere and not dnagling loops that will catch onto everything?

OP posts:
glitteryb6 · 20/12/2008 22:22

great news josey! hope she gets home tomorrow!

TotalChaos · 20/12/2008 21:41

glad it went so well with the PEG Josey, fingers crossed that it carries on to be so trouble free.

Jollyjoseyjinglebells · 20/12/2008 20:38

PEG went in nice and safely on Thursday, they started her on dyoralight(sp)1 hour after recovery, very slowly forgot her reflux med so empty tum plus wind made them stop, when I stuck up to them they gave meds and feed, she is now feeding very well, they just want her night pump to increase tonight and she can go tomorrow. Sickness has stopped all together which is wonderful.

They also vented her straight away and then did so every hour to make her feel better. They are also venting her before each feed or med just now to make sure she is wind free. All in all very good experience.

Im having a night off tonight as the only bad thing is that place is freezing at night.

Hope all the other pegs are improving xx

thankyoumumnetelf1908 · 14/12/2008 21:34

My DD is 2 and has had a mickey button for just over a year. They put it straight in - no g tube (maybe 'cause she had an open nissens at the same time).

It is so so much easier than an ng tube (which she had on a constant feed for 17 hours a day and vomitied out 5 times a day!)

Jollyjoseyjinglebells · 14/12/2008 12:10

DD has had hers since birth she has just turned 6months, her face is a mess, she gets blood in her tummy, the tube flies out if she is sick and it hinders her eating and she gets in a right old state when I have to put a new one in, for a quad she can really fight me.
Im sure it will be a horrible few weeks but have to keep telling myself its for the best

Hows everything going with everyone else? are things calming down any?

Woooozle100 · 13/12/2008 22:37

aye - does make me feel a little better about the peg. Consultant was really trying to sell us the ng tube as the no risk option (dd hasn't had ng tube for few years). Swings and roundabouts though innit? Nothing is hassle free. All the best to you and yr dd x

Jollyjoseyjinglebells · 13/12/2008 15:52

Its probably just been trauma in her nose with a new tube going down and it has bled into her tummy....its awful and I suppose another reason to get the PEG done.

Hope everyones wounds and upsets are begining to settle down and you have good weekends x

Woooozle100 · 12/12/2008 23:52

Eeek jolly that sounds rough. Poor dear. Hope its sorted out now.

aw and hoping things are calming down for yr dd, nmc. Re the advice the nurse gave you - v good point - think I lost sight on fact it was a surgical procedure and new foreign body is now sticking out of open wound.

Hasn't been plain sailing here either. Community nurse coming round daily to check on the 'mushrooms' (thought it was over granulating but looked ok when they came earlier. Waiting for swab test results) And dd got the squits so dunno if she has a bug or isn't tolerating the feed so well. Have put her on polycal and water tonight

twinklingtrace2 · 12/12/2008 16:52

oh no jolyy hope she ok now

Jollyjoseyjinglebells · 12/12/2008 13:54

Nearly ended up in Hospital again last night as DDs tummy was full of blood when I tested her tube

Jollyjoseyjinglebells · 11/12/2008 19:53

I suppose it cant be worse than getting admitted to hozzie for vomiting blood cause your NGT has torn the lining in your nose(didnt know it was the nose as it was so high up)

She is usually quite hardy and doesnt cry alot only when really botherd by something, which hey ho an op is very likely.

I dont have anything I could sedate her with,i must ask lol I bet her pead would use it and risk the addiction if he were in your shoes, I think somethings you have to go with what is best for both of you. You are hardly going to have her shooting up

Good luck for tonight thinking of you x

needmorecoffee · 11/12/2008 19:47

so haven't bothered telling him about our latest use of it

OP posts:
needmorecoffee · 11/12/2008 19:46

ooo yum. Thanks.
It is simple in one respect but its still an op. And ops leave you sore. And little children scream. Specially mine.
Hate having to sedate her cos the benzo's are addictive. dd's paed went nuts when I told him!

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Jollyjoseyjinglebells · 11/12/2008 19:43

sorry doesnt suck

Jollyjoseyjinglebells · 11/12/2008 19:43

She currently has a nasal gastric tube, was told she would never feed orally, she can though and has started solids, she just does suck so cant take a bottle. Drinks from a tommytippee just not enough. The NGT is likely making it harder for her to swallow etc so will get on better in the end. Plus her face is starting to get very sore and if she is sick the tube flies out and I have to keep changing it.

Her SALT's son has had an NGT and PEG, she thinks she will find the PEG much better.

Im just terrified now as they have all been telling me how simple it is blah blah.

Grr at your MIL mine is a serious pain in my rear!!!

Sending you some chocolate fudge yule log my friend brought me today x

needmorecoffee · 11/12/2008 19:21

I did go to Sainsbo's earlier and came over all healthy diet like. And didn't buy any. How stupid is that!

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TotalChaos · 11/12/2008 19:19

sorry I realised that was a stupid question to ask as soon as I posted. Since you don't drink, do you have any decent chocolate or cake in?

needmorecoffee · 11/12/2008 19:17

she's had nurofen and calpol. Gonna sedate her about 9 and take her to bed.
Had to tell MIL rather forcibly to please not visit this weekend. Can't cope with visitors who want to be entertained and fed while we are going through this. She went off in a snooty huff.
Wish I drank.

OP posts:
TotalChaos · 11/12/2008 19:09

hope DD feels less sore and screams less very soon. Can you give her any more pain relief to make her more comfortable?

needmorecoffee · 11/12/2008 19:06

why is your LO having it Josey? Like poeple said to me, I'm sure it wouldn't have been suggested if not necassary.
I think having the gastro nurse tell me its an op, its painful cos there is a hole and healing takes time helped.

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Jollyjoseyjinglebells · 11/12/2008 18:49

Oh I feel for you, I hope it settles and you wont regret having it done.

Im absolutly crapping it now for next week(sorry that sounds selfish of me) worried I should change my mind if its that awful???

Spoke to a couple of HP's here and they said they start feeding in RACH 6hours after the op as long as a reaction doesnt take place. Also as long as we are happy with what to do and there are no probs they do expect her out late on the Fri....Im going to just aim for the monday now though after everything you have all said.

bullet123 · 11/12/2008 17:53

I hope she's feeling better soon. Is it her skin around the tube that's sore or is her stomach sore?


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needmorecoffee · 11/12/2008 17:21

thats what the nurse said to me. Give it time.
The respite carer will come here.

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twinklingtrace2 · 11/12/2008 17:11

at least youll get a little rest, even though youll be worring while shes away.

me to wishing i hadnt said yes to having dd done and i told surgen on tuseday, he said togive it a little time

needmorecoffee · 11/12/2008 17:07

we'll have a respite carer tomorrow afty and I'm afarid I will sedate her for sleep tonight.
Right now I'm wishing we hadn't done it

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