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Testing for ADD and the questions they ask

8 replies

Soggyflatjack · 28/07/2016 08:53

My son saw a consultant yesterday who suggested we fill in the form for ADD. My son seems to be a mystery to Drs as to what the problem actually is.

Anyway, that aside. One of the questions on the form is "is your child perfect in every way". I feel this is quite a strange question to ask and the reasons being -

  1. He is my son and to me he is perfect in every way and I don't want him to change. He is an extremely good boy with us and at school. Don't get me wrong he does have complete meltdowns and struggles with lots of things and needs lots of support. He fights with his brother etc but these things don't make him imperfect in my eyes iyswim
  2. He does get on my nerves at times as does everyone and anyone at some point
  3. I want to help him to get the help he needs which may mean changing him which I'm happy about so does that counteract the first question...?

I hope you understand what I'm waffling on about Confused
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zzzzz · 14/08/2016 15:20

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sarrah30 · 14/08/2016 14:44

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zzzzz · 14/08/2016 14:30

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sarrah30 · 14/08/2016 14:19

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Soggyflatjack · 14/08/2016 12:08


Thank you for you reply.
My son does have dyspraxia, short term memory problems which are quite serious and sensory processing disorder. All of these have been assessed privately and it's only the ADD which we are looking at via the NHS as we just can't afford to do any more privately. We also pay for OT and language therapy once a week.
I agree it's money well spent.
I hope your daughter is in a better place now and you both feel better with the results.
Thank you

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sarrah30 · 14/08/2016 11:51

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Soggyflatjack · 29/07/2016 13:25

Yes, it is the Conners questionnaire which is scaled.
Thats just it - my son's behaviour doesn't cause me any trouble at all. He has sensory processing disorder which means he has meltdowns but that's sensory not behaviour.
I will have a good think about it but I know what you mean by wanting to add a paragraph to each question!
Thanks for your help

OP posts:
Melawati · 28/07/2016 22:43

Is it the Conor's form? Are the answers on a scale rather than straight yes/no? So you can pick a point that's pretty close to your viewpoint, in my experience. Of course no child is 'perfect in every way', but one of my DC has behaviour that causes considerably more difficulties than the other DC. It does seem an odd question, but a lot of thought must go into the design of these questionnaires to make them as reliable indicators as possible, so I'm sure there's a good reason for it.
I do remember that feeling of wanting to answer each question with an explanatory paragraph Grin

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