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which borough has the best autism friendly primary schools in london

2 replies

user1466760982 · 24/06/2016 10:45

hi moms,

i have a 6 year old on the spectrum, he is moderately verbal. i am looking to relocate to london and need to know which borough would have good schools with asd units or specialist schools. please help!

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sarrah30 · 14/08/2016 13:16

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yakkiyakkiyogi · 26/06/2016 09:07

Greenwich has been cited as the best borough in terms of help with special needs by many professionals and also by a few surveys I read about last year. In my experience, it has been an absolute blessing being a resident of this borough because I've met helpful professionals, great SENCOs, amazing teachers and very dedicated schools here all through out my son's diagnosis and time at school. Waiting times for all processes have been quite low as compared to the country average.

A few schools also have special ASD units such as Foxfield Primary School (highly recommended).

Best of Luck

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