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Funny echolalia

30 replies

Hurr1cane · 11/08/2014 20:53

My little DS (8) does quite well now using echolalia sentences appropriately. He uses them to express his needs and answer simple questions quite well.

But sometimes they are simply hilarious

Today for example

Me: DS put your plate in the sink

DS: but I'm just a kid!

DP: DS tidy up your toys

DS: but that's impossible!

Anyone else have hilarious examples?

Maybe like

Me: DS we are going to the hospital Today

DS: wait just a minute! What are you trying to pull? (Toy story)

OP posts:
Hurr1cane · 12/08/2014 18:27

Hahaha another from just now.

DS was putting all the toys he threw outside into his little toy box.

Me: DS put the big toys inside in the big toy box, like big spiderman.....

DS: no don't say that! It's bad language!!

OP posts:
signandsingcarols · 13/08/2014 21:38

this has reminded me, ds at school 'it's fucking freezing out' (having no idea what this meant, (and NOT heard from home) bless him he was distraught when he knew it was a 'bad' word, this is from the child who has decided that the word 'pants' is rude and must only be whispered.. Grin

frolicsandfiddledeedees · 13/08/2014 21:52

DS (4) saw a Great Dane in the street a while ago. I pointed it out to him and he stared agog for a moment then announced, very loudly, "The dog was not skin and bone, in fact it was wemarkably fat "

For anyone not familiar, this is a direct quote from a story tape he loves about Sophie, the little girl who wanted to be a lady farmer - DS just substituted the original 'cat' for 'dog' Grin

Sahkoora · 18/08/2014 14:28

Whenever anyone says anything DS doesn't like, he says "Shut your mouth, smart guy!".

I think it's from Stand By Me, which DH let him watch because it has a train in.

FatherSpodoKomodo · 22/08/2014 21:54

DS picked up on DHs language in the car. Luckily DH is not a big swearer so it was only "bloody hell"

When he was in the mini bus with school they said that when they stopped at traffic lights DS would proclaim "bloody hell" just like DH. We were impressed that it was in context!

Last Christmas we watched a lot of Star Wars and one of his brothers got a talking Darth Vader mask.

We were sitting quietly one evening when he crept up behind me and said "Join with me and together we can rule the galaxy" in a proper sinister Darth Vader voice. I decided not to join the Dark Side with him! Grin

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