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Would consulting the sleep nurse be worth our/her while?

9 replies

Surrealistrhinoceros · 02/02/2013 11:41

DS (6) has ASD-type behaviour difficulties; basically on the borderline with some autistic traits and described by CAMHS as 'complex' Smile

Getting him to sleep has always been a bit of an issue and we've always had to sit with him. Over Xmas he wasn't sleeping till past 10, waking early, and being a nightmare to settle, so I mentioned this to the psychologist who was seeing him. She's now got back to me and offered a chat with their specialist sleep nurse.

Good news is in the last month we've made a good deal of progress, and I am wondering whether we'd be wasting her time. Current pattern as of the last fortnight is:

DS has bath about 7.30 and stories about 7.45-8 (ish). We leave him in bed with a copy of the Beano and the massive progress is that he will now generally sit in bed quietly looking at this. He may toddle down a few times as we are clearing up and say 'can I have a cuddle'? He is unlikely to settle himself to sleep. About 9pm we go up and if he's sleepy and you sit with him holding his hand, he will go off. Other nights you rinse and repeat the sitting with him and he's perhaps off by 9.30-45.
Every night he semi-sleepwalks into our bed in the small hours and settles down there, going straight back to sleep. We don't move him. We generally have to wake him at 7am for school.

Now compared to the experiences I hear on this board that doesn't sound a massive sleep issue any more, and I don't want to waste the sleep nurse's time. OTOH I do have a lingering concern that he is fighting sleep till the last possible moment, therefore existing on the smallest amount he can, therefore it's affecting his behaviour.

If I did talk to the sleep nurse goals would be:

  • get him asleep between 8 and 9 instead of between 9 and 10, so he's getting 10 to 11 hours rather than 9 to 10. Seems more appropriate for his age?

  • I would quite like my own bed back if possible Smile

  • help him learn to self-settle all the way to sleep.

Is that unrealistic? Advice much welcomed!

(I also assume sleep nurses don't deal with NT 4 year old DDs screaming the house down because 'something hurts'/they need a drink/they've fallen out of bed Grin)

OP posts:
JeffFaFa · 05/02/2013 09:59

Its horrible when your dc have sleep problems, ds1 is almost 7 and now and sleep alot better but until last year it was a nightmare keeping him in bed, an OT gave us a referral to sleep scotland but when i read up on it there was alot of talk about social services etc and i panicked an cancelled it. He generally stays in bed now but talks, whispers and makes noises for an hour or so before sleep which distrurbs his brother, wakes early at 5/6am and if he needs the toilet cries in bed until someone goes and takes him like hes not fully waking up as he dosnt remember it, its draining.

I would see the sleep nurse if i were you.

used2bthin · 05/02/2013 09:23

They stop me sleeping too! Hope you have success with the sleep nurse.

Surrealistrhinoceros · 04/02/2013 06:51

Sorry to be a bit late coming back to this. Many thanks and yes, I'm going to take up the offer of chatting with the sleep nurse. I also started a thread in chat which made me realise there is still a fair gap between DS' sleep and that of most 6 year olds, despite all the improvement.

Many thanks everybody!

Sadly I think the 'invisible spiders' which were apparently stopping DD sleeping last night may be beyond her remit Grin

OP posts:
JsOtherHalf · 03/02/2013 20:59

Is there any room to put a mattress on the floor beside your bed for the nocturnal wandering?

used2bthin · 03/02/2013 19:18

Your aims sound realistic to me. I think take any help offered!

used2bthin · 03/02/2013 19:16

Yes I would still see the sleep nurse too. My dd is also six and I have to say the sleep issues come and go. We've (touch wood) not been back to the full horrors of a couple of years back but having a bad time , (till ten ish lots of tears and anxiety)again now. For her she's on meds for a seperate condition and it happends when the dose is upped but also just never quite know when issues will start up again.

Generally she sleeps 7 to 7 but I don't know what is the right amount for their age.

SallyBear · 03/02/2013 14:29

Still see the sleep nurse.

SallyBear · 03/02/2013 14:21

Still see the sleep nurse.

vjg13 · 02/02/2013 23:32

I would see the sleep nurse and see how it goes, there will probably be a lot of very obvious common sense stuff but maybe the odd useful thing.

Have you considered melatonin?

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