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SN children

Arghhhhh insulting toe rag!

3 replies

JackJacksmummy · 07/10/2012 17:51

6 yr old DS has taken to insulting everybody but especially me!! Luckily at the moment the language is pretty tame......loser, poohead etc

I need to stamp it out before it evolves into more as he gets older but he just thinks he's being funny, he doesn't realise that people other than us won't know why he does it and think that he is just being downright rude!

OP posts:
used2bthin · 07/10/2012 20:07

I get called cheeky bum bum! dd's speech is unclear so peple don't always realise but she recently said it to the consultant examining her and it came out very clear! I try to ignore too, or if pushed in public and I feel I must say something I try to calmly brush over it "oh no lets talk nicely oh look a bird)etc etc Grin

SheelaNeGig · 07/10/2012 19:35

Oh yes. You should hesr teenage DD in full indult mode. Ooof. She can be really unpleasant.

Ignore. Don't react. Kerp a stash of gin somewhere handy.

TirednessKills · 07/10/2012 19:33

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