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Ok ds (asd) has to come up idea for new superhero. What would your child's superpower be??

27 replies

bialystockandbloom · 29/09/2012 15:39

Latest school project (loosely tied into Literacy I suppose) to make my heart sink. Ds (y1) has to come up with an idea for an original superhero, make the costume, write a paragraph on what the superhero's powers are, what they can do, and who their arch enemy is.

FFS. Ideal for a child with autism isn't it.

Amazing Counting Boy?
Flicking-page Man?
Superhero who could tell you the house-number of all his classmates, teachers and family?
Sofa-jumping Man?

After some discussion, ds's idea was having x-ray vision and being able to see inside people's tummies so he could see if there was sick inside Grin

School is just going to get worse isn't it.

OP posts:
ouryve · 29/09/2012 22:48

Doraemon - you've watched DS1 get dressed! :o

ovenchips · 29/09/2012 21:38

My DD would be Flycatcher. She is as clumsy as feck, but if a fly (or any insect) enters the room she will stand smiling watching it then with just one attempt snatch it into her hand from its flying position. It's a niche skill I admit but I find it incredible.

ScramblyEgg · 29/09/2012 21:32

When DS had superhero week at nursery, he was Super Henry (as in the hoover) and his super power was very strong suction.

Doraemon · 29/09/2012 20:55

OMG the thought of DS1 attempting a quick change into a superhero costume..... with mummy standing by saying 'did you remember your pants? I think those tights are on backwards. Stop looking at the train map and put your cape on.'

Strongecoffeeismydrug · 29/09/2012 20:51

DS would be stubborn man. He would save people from danger(but only in his own time).and he would need a visual aid to help him get into his costume( again in his own time).
The only downfall is he would have to have his mum with him due to his non fear of danger and I'm warning you all I DON'T LOOK GOOD IN LYCRA :)

SilkStalkings · 29/09/2012 20:42

Ds1 would be Bionicle Bore. DS2 would be "Shush" Man.
Has everyone seen the I Like Trains Kid song on YouTube? That's my dad.

bialystockandbloom · 29/09/2012 20:19

What is it about tape measures??

OP posts:
bialystockandbloom · 29/09/2012 20:18

This thread is really cheering me up Smile

OP posts:
Doraemon · 29/09/2012 20:16

DS1 had to create a superhero at Woodcraft Folk, draw it life size on a huge piece of paper with the eye holes cut out (it think it was supposed to to represent some positive aspect of his personality). When they all lines up to show them off at the end of the session all the other kids had child -sized superhero characters and DS1 had ....... Super Squiddy the Squid Confused
Thankfully we seem to have moved on from the marine biology obsession, if asked now it would probably be Captain Cartography.

TirednessKills · 29/09/2012 20:00

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ouryve · 29/09/2012 19:09

We had to drag DS1 away from the display at one of the tills in B&Q, last week. No, it wasn't sweets - it was 99p tape measures in lots of different colours!

ouryve · 29/09/2012 19:07

DS1 would be bouncing boy. (yes, he's antsy, this evening)

DS2 is the human siren, with the deafening shriek.

bialystockandbloom · 29/09/2012 19:02

Niche rather than limited, ellen Wink

OP posts:
EllenJaneisstillnotmyname · 29/09/2012 18:51

How about Doctor Who facts man? He could rescue any Mastermind competitor who had Doctor Who as his specialised subject. That's quite a limited power, I suppose... Grin

bialystockandbloom · 29/09/2012 18:51

Being able to work out how many minutes it takes to get to school/park/granny's house/daddy's work/the moon/the sun/the stars. D'you think this counts as a superpower? Minute-counting Man?

OP posts:
Tiggles · 29/09/2012 18:48

DS2 would be magnifying glass man Grin

coff33pot · 29/09/2012 18:46

X-raying their insides! Ggrrrrrrrr!

coff33pot · 29/09/2012 18:45

X-ray man would be ok :)

Flying over the world rescuing the sick by crating their insides and racing to the hospitals with it lol. May work faster than nhs! Grin

bialystockandbloom · 29/09/2012 18:38

ellen yes you're right. I we have now got our idea into some semblance of a coherent character.

The hard work is of course trying to get ds interested in it

OP posts:
EllenJaneisstillnotmyname · 29/09/2012 18:21

bialy, he's in Y1. Make something up for him that he's vaguely interested in. I've been doing DS2's homework for him for years. So long as he learns something from the exercise, that's all that matters. You should have seen my his India project! I He got 4 merit marks! Wink PS, He's nearly 13 now.

mymatemax · 29/09/2012 18:20

ds2 would be private space, invisible man.

we are constantly looking for ds2 as he finds new hiding places.
he wants his own shed.

Chundle · 29/09/2012 18:13

:) at measuring man!! Dd2 loves measuring as well!!! Trainformer would be dd2s ideal one. A man that transforms into a train (with a sneaky measuring tape in his pocket!)


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bialystockandbloom · 29/09/2012 18:07

Ben10 that is the problem! We've had instructions from school that the superhero must be their own idea. How is ds supposed to come up with this when he's completely uninterested in superheroes, dressing up, or being a character to begin with.

Pmsl @ 'what colour is your tape measure' Grin Grin

OP posts:
ThoughtBen10WasBadPokemonOMG · 29/09/2012 17:43

Ds did super heros last year. He was bat spider lantern. Ie he didn't think of his own. He just ripped off existing ones !

StarlightMcKenzie · 29/09/2012 17:35

We just visited a very sick relative. DS's first words to him?

What colour is your tape measure?

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