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SN children

SEN conference for parents and professionals

32 replies

LidiaD · 24/09/2011 17:16

?Towards a Positive Future? is a two day conference which will focus on providing encouragement, information and hope for parents of, and professionals working with, SEN children. Attendance at the conference will encourage parents to take control, to share, inspire each other and make sure SEN children get the support they need and launch a new professional network that will empower, enthuse and enable practitioners to be heard and shape the future.

There will be a wide variety of seminars covering a whole range of special educational needs issues, including:

  • what the health, education and social care reforms will mean for your children with SEN;
  • how Academies can find ways to meet the needs of students with complex needs;
  • the legal implications for children with SEN including current and future funding arrangements;
  • how you can access independent experts;
  • what Tribunals are like;
  • how to prepare for a Tribunal hearing.
  • transition to University for students with SEN

?Towards a Positive Future? takes place on 14 ? 15 October 2011 at Arlington Arts Centre, Newbury.

To view the line up of speakers and to book your place, please visit:
OP posts:
StarlightMcKenzie · 13/10/2011 21:06

I might have considered it but I have a tribunal deadline looming.....

tiredoffightingwithjelly · 13/10/2011 20:34

Anyone going along?

StarlightMcKenzie · 13/10/2011 18:41

I didn't mind the conference plug, but I mind very much the book plug.

StarlightMcKenzie · 13/10/2011 18:40

I agree coffpot. Whilst I was healthily suspicious, but prepared to be open-minded at the start, and had moved a long way to feel positive about the idea of the conference etc. I cannot help but go back to my suspicion that this is a marketing exercise for the SN Industry.

Parents can and do take action but if you actually have any understanding of the 'system' you will know that it is stacked so hugely against them that they are individually pretty powerless. And this system that works so hard against parents is predominately made up of 'professionals'.

coff33pot · 13/10/2011 15:29

Pardon me if I am being funny but............the actual initial post here wasnt about the sale of a book????

And I dont blame 'others' I blame the government, the nhs and to some extent proffessionals that drag their heals. They are responsible for 'societys failures' so perhaps its them that should be made aware of this book.

No offense meant on the above poster for her informative post just my view only :)

SNM · 13/10/2011 11:15

Hi, I've just read an advance copy of the book that;s being launched at this conference - Towards a Positive Future.

It's an easy-to-read book by Janet O'Keefe that gives a valuable overview into the world of SEN support and the difficulties faced by parents in trying to access it.
It sets out in simple terms the current system for readers and gives some good advice about how to seek the right experts for your child. It also offers pointers for those experts themselves.
The book explains the most common social and communication disorders and helpfully illustrates them with personal stories garnered from her broad experience as a Speech and Language Therapist who has given evidence at SEN Tribunals many times. The stories will have a resonance with many parents and remind the reader that special needs should always put the child at the centre of the process.
Perhaps the most interesting part of this book is the section towards the end where Mrs O'Keefe challenges parents and educators not to blame others for society's failures but to take action themselves to make the landscape better for our most vulnerable children. A very interesting and extremely useful read recommended for both parents and professionals.

tiredoffightingwithjelly · 08/10/2011 20:38

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Wordswell · 03/10/2011 14:52

I appreciate and thank you for each and everyone of these comments and welcome as many parents as possible to the conference because I too, as a parent of a child with SN, want to see real change in the way services are supported. Louise Wilkinson works for the Child Brain Injury Trust but is also the parent of a child with SN and we have Joe Wells and Martyn Sibley both adults who were children with SN. The delegates that have signed up so far are all parents of children with SN and we want to hear from them and you to help form Clarity so that as a Foundation it provides exactly what you, your children and the professionals working with them need us to provide to support the provision of services that we know make a difference for ever to our children's lives (and not just the lifetime of the current budget holder in a Statutory Service or government). I left the NHS to work independently because I got fed up with the politics and being told who I could see, when I could see them and how long I could see them for which was not based on needs but on resources. If you can't come to the conference do read the book because I want to make sure that whatever changes happen there is a parent voice.

Wordswell · 03/10/2011 14:30

I am one of the co-organisers of this conference and am a speech and language therapist and parent of a child with a life threatening medical condition and special educational needs. One of the reasons that I edited the book and organised the conference is that we don't know what the future holds legally or politically. The green paper is full of ideas but no detail of how these ideas could practically be put into practice. However, all the parents who have contributed their personal stories for the book agree on 10 things that make or have made a positive difference to their child and their family and it is these positives that we want to explore in the conference and focus on what we know works and how we can achieve this level of support regardless of the legal and political framework. One way is for parents and professionals from across helath, education and social care working together and share information on what is available and how to get it funded.

tiredoffightingwithjelly · 25/09/2011 13:44

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

StarlightMcKenzie · 25/09/2011 09:27

I'm not really sure what has been happening in adult services. I have kept my head in the sand.

tiredoffightingwithjelly · 24/09/2011 22:17

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

StarlightMcKenzie · 24/09/2011 20:49

I suspect that our LA will give the personalised budget to parents for NHS services, not education ones.

Can you imagine them allowing the parents to hire their own TA for in school?

Are personalised budgets for the long term, or are they just a way for the government to force people to be independent in the first instance, with budgets cut year after year until they are nothing and parents are expected to use their own non funds.

Will the redundant NHS service providers undercut the independent ones? Will the market be flooded and therefore more affordable for parents to fund themselves?

There are always opportunities as well as pitfalls in any change of cirumstance and we should hold on to that. But, for most of us, the future is uncertain and scary because of it.

coff33pot · 24/09/2011 20:38

I dont know (not at you Lidia as I can fully understand your enthusiasm on this conference Smile)

But everyone speaking is "independent proffessional" for a start. Not one listed there is a "Mum or Dad" of an SN child. And parents views would probably help towards the goals this conference is about maybe?

This green paper has not fully been passed so either the independents KNOW its going ahead or are hypothetically talking about it and the Big Society change. Is the NHS going to disapear totally?

If it goes through it says parents would have a personal budget so that they can choose which therapy/interventions would suit their children. BUT sorry for being negative the way the government decides at present on what is considered an acceptable amount to live on is rubbish. (I am not unemployed btw or on benefits as yet). How does anyone know at present that this personal budget would actually be enough to hire independent help and to put it bluntly a lot of SN children need a lot of various therapies which are VERY expensive.

Perhaps I am barking up the wrong tree lol Smile If I am just swear silently and say "silly girl" Grin

moondog · 24/09/2011 19:32

I konw you aren't Star.
I just wanted you to know. Smile

LidiaD · 24/09/2011 19:27

Starlight, I agree with you wholeheartedly!

OP posts:
StarlightMcKenzie · 24/09/2011 19:19

I must admit, I read the profile of every speaker and thought 'oh thank god' when I read yours.

But the thing is that when parents become consumers (which is what is being proposed) it is extremely good news for independent practitioners but ONLY if they have earnt the trust of a very disillusioned cohort of people.

This is also essential in order to make the 'proposal' become a reality, and drive it forward because at the moment, disillusioned parents are very scared of losing the very little they have, however ineffective, and are currently quite suspicious of change.

LidiaD · 24/09/2011 19:13

Starlight - I will message you their email to you now.

I did not take your comments personally LOL I think its important that parents are able to express their needs and wants rather than just being told what is best for them and their child. I truly believe professionals need to listen more.

OP posts:
StarlightMcKenzie · 24/09/2011 19:08

LOL. I'm not having a go at her Moondog, she just happened to appear from nowhere and give me a platform to air some frustrations.

Lidia Yes absolutely. I would be happy to speak to the organisers.

LidiaD · 24/09/2011 19:04

LOL thank you Moondog :)

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LidiaD · 24/09/2011 19:03

Extremely valid points Starlight. Can I put you in touch with the organizers? I am sure they would welcome a dialogue with you.

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moondog · 24/09/2011 19:03

Lidia is a top person Star.
Closely associated with all the people you met in London at that conference.

She's one of the converted. Smile


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StarlightMcKenzie · 24/09/2011 19:01

Oh I see you are a speaker rather than organiser.

Don't think I am against you or the conference. I am not. I want change as deperately as most of the other parents here. Change. Not more of the same but just funded differently.

StarlightMcKenzie · 24/09/2011 18:59

Yes, I'd be interested in how the network is going to be built.

But also, if this conference really is for Parents, what work have you done on finding out what parents would want from such a conference?

Have you a consumer panel/group?

I have no doubt that your extensive list of speakers are passionate about what they do, and what they speak about but their jobs and passions but one of the main issues with the current system is absolute lack of parent voice. At least, parents DO voice, but aren't heard.

And your conference seems to focus on provision provision provision. But we want to tell you what we need, and what our children need. That is how your 'services' can beat the current system.

LidiaD · 24/09/2011 18:59

Starlight - you are 100% correct!!! and I agree with you.

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