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Behavioural optometrist

3 replies

rrbrigi · 25/02/2013 18:33


Do you know if my son can see a Behavioural optometrist through NHS?
If yes, please could you recommend one in West Sussex? If not, please could you recommend a private one?

Also, please tell me any success story with vision therapy and squint and lazy eyes.


OP posts:
luckettes · 15/04/2013 22:21

rrbrigi - did you find and see a BO in the end? I am looking at either Mrs Burns (Worthing) or Mr Leigh (Petersfield)? Would be interested in feeedback. Thanks.

mrsbaffled · 24/03/2013 09:23

I may be wrong but I think vision therapy through a BO is only available in Essex. My DS had serious tracking problems that were fully fixed by VT. we went private, but it was worth it IMHO.
Look at BABO website for a list of BOs. I have heard some aren't as good as others, so see if you can get a recommendation from someone. We were in north bucks and our BO was excellent.

LynetteScavo · 25/02/2013 18:38

OK, I can't be much help as I have paid privately for a BO, and it wasn't for squint/lazy eye.

DS was, however, treated on the NHS at our local hospital for 6 years (two years of patches, and then exercises) for his lazy eye.

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