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Winter baby wearing

15 replies

lentilpot · 23/10/2014 19:59

I'm sure this has been done to death in years past, but this is my first winter with a baby and I don't know what to do to cover him up in the boba! I have two winter coats that I love but won't go up around him in the boba. Would the ergo winter cover work with the boba? Any other solutions? I don't want to wear a fleece under my jacket.

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HattieHC · 24/06/2015 13:31

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NickiJanes · 12/03/2015 15:51

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BeautifulMomma · 26/02/2015 16:43

I love love love snowsuits and baby fleece blankets! :) they are so so so cute!
And great for baby wearing , plus, amazing in slings :) I use them all the time. they're great for our climate in UK !

Tinnute · 01/12/2014 17:17

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letsplaynice · 24/10/2014 23:30

Oh I also saw a pic the other day of mums and baby both in duffle costs which buttoned to each other

theclockticksslowly · 24/10/2014 19:54

I have the ergo winter cover! I use it with my Tula carrier and it fits fine on that.

I just googled images of boba carriers and I'm pretty sure it'd work fine on there. It has poppers so you clip the cover around the shoulder straps rather than needing to fit it physically onto an ergo carrier so it can be used with other similar style carriers.

it works great, DD in normal clothes and is warm with it. I sometimes put a thin fleece jacket on her but don't button it up as she'll be pressed against me. I'm thinking for really cold weather getting some sort of clip to fix my coat onto the winter cover to stop any draughts but the winter cover does have drawstrings so you can make sure they're cosy.

Hope that helps!

SignoraStronza · 24/10/2014 17:42

The Aiska poncho by MaM. Works for front and back carry, looks okay and keeps you both warm. If you want something a bit smarter try the mama jacket. I love it but passed it on because at 5ft1 am too short -the nice fitted waistline sits round my massive backside!

GoogleyEyes · 24/10/2014 17:37

I've never used a cover, as once she hit about 12 months I usually carried her on my back rather than my front. Are you planning to stick with front carries?

lentilpot · 24/10/2014 11:14

Brilliant, thanks for all the tips. I just got a wilkinet raincover on eBay for 99p so will give that a go with a blanket tucked underneath and make my own coat if that doesn't work out!

Has anyone used the ergo baby weather cover? That's the one I like the look of best!

OP posts:
letsplaynice · 24/10/2014 10:17
letsplaynice · 24/10/2014 10:15

Just to second what the others have said also if you or someone you know can sew it's quite easy to use a ripped or cheap jacket to make a bit to zip into your zips. You take the two zip panels cut them out sew them together and make a panel to zip into your coat. That's probably as clear as mud!!

lentilpot · 23/10/2014 21:02

He is on my front. I guess a baby wearing coat is the way they makes the most sense but I just really love the winter coats I already have!

OP posts:
GoogleyEyes · 23/10/2014 20:08

I suggest fleece as really puffy / slippery snowsuits make it hard to get the baby in the right position in the sling.

GoogleyEyes · 23/10/2014 20:07

Either an xxl coat (do you have a DH to borrow off?) or a baby wearing coat work well (there are quite a few available, including on eBay). Or an over-sized fleece suit for your ds (over-sized so his toes don't get squished in the frog-legged position) plus hat. But it's a pain taking a baby in and out of sling and fleece suit every time you go indoors, plus they stay warmer and you can feel them better under your coat.

hollie84 · 23/10/2014 20:02

Is he on your front or back?

On your front, I'd either have him in a pram/snow suit or with a blanket tucked round him.

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