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What next after Moby?

4 replies

moonstorm · 12/01/2011 12:01

I'm not sure whether to move on from the Moby - ds is 13 lb 10 oz at 3 months, so I don't think too big, but the wrap seems to be stretching lots when wearing it, so maybe it's not supportive enough...

I have a Cwtshi Mei Tai, but it doesn't seem quite right yet (and I'm not sure where to put his legs,,,) I carried ds1 in it when he was older.

I have been thinking of getting a beco butterfly 2 (So that dh can feel confident in back carries) but was going to wait. Or should I go for this now?

I love my wrap, but if I can't pre-tie it, hate the way it can get filthy from the ground when tying it outrside.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

OP posts:
moonstorm · 14/01/2011 22:52

Thank you Smile I'll have a look.

OP posts:
naomilpeb · 14/01/2011 19:58

I'd second a Connecta. DS is also 3 months and I've had him in a Moby up till recently - he's 17lb though! I find the Connecta really quick and easy to put on, he's nice and secure for when I'm chasing the toddler around the playground, and it comes in lovely fabrics [vain emoticon]! I think I'd use the Moby if I was going on a long walk as it's so utterly supportive and I've loved using it (a friend has loaned me hers) but I agree with you about the faffage factor...

FingonTheValiant · 12/01/2011 12:31

The connecta is lovely. Mine arrived this morning and I'm already thrilled with it. Easy to put on and adjust. Good weight distribution. It's just fab.

BooBooGlass · 12/01/2011 12:04

An Ergo eventually. Buy if your Moby is slipping, try tying it really really tightly, with no obvious 'give' in it. Then when you put ds in it it won't have so much opportunity to stretch. I used to tie mine like this first thing in the morning and just keep it on all day.

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