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Slimming World

Joining costs

3 replies

EasterBonnet · 04/06/2020 11:11

Hi, just wondering if anyone knows of any discounts for joining? I've gad a search online and can't find any and £60 for 3 months it's too much at the minute.
Thanks 😊

OP posts:
EasterBonnet · 07/06/2020 21:25

Thank you for these have now signed up!

OP posts:
ProseccoSupernova · 07/06/2020 20:30

PRIMA2020 gets £15 off

Groovee · 05/06/2020 16:46

I'm not sure. I think it's £10 for the pack that gets sent through the post and then £3.75 a week in a couple of weeks for the zoom classes.

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