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Slimming World

Aldi Slim Well Meals

7 replies

cjt110 · 22/05/2018 21:39

Apologies as likely already asked but am on my phone so can't search. Does anyone know the syns of the slim well meals from Aldi? I don't think the calculation online is correct as it reckons the beam chilli is 14.5 syns. The only none free food I can see is starch...?

I've bought the 3 bean chilli, cottage pie, chow mein and tikka masala.
Thanks in advance

OP posts:
MilkyCoffeeAndSkinnySyrup · 30/05/2018 13:27

No idea @chaplin1409 because SW still haven't put them on the database and I doubt they ever will.

chaplin1409 · 30/05/2018 08:31

What syns are the asda slimline means?

Cherrypi · 30/05/2018 06:40

Our consultant had a moan about them - obviously from head office.

raisedbyguineapigs · 28/05/2018 13:27

I agree. If I'm having a ready meal, I use the Aldi ones. Instead of griping, they should make their meals taste better! If Aldi can do it so can SW.

cjt110 · 23/05/2018 09:25

Cheers Milky.

OP posts:
MilkyCoffeeAndSkinnySyrup · 23/05/2018 08:28

I'm not entirely sure about cottage pie syn values hence why it's blank x

MilkyCoffeeAndSkinnySyrup · 23/05/2018 08:27

3 bean chilli: 3 syns

cottage pie:

chow mein: 8

Tikka masala: free

As far as I am AWARE... I was given this by a friend who is following SW. I use their meals and it hasn't affected my weight loss touch wood.

I have already asked SW when are they going to put the Aldi meals on the database as it has been months now, but they've said they're still investigating the syn values which IMO is absolute bull. They don't want to do it and I know why!

I love SW don't get me wrong, but they've had this issue with ASDA Slimzone meals as well which are not on the SW app either and I know that the reason they're not doing is because they don't want to lose profit from their own products in Iceland! ASDA and Aldi meals are cheaper than their own and IMO they taste much nicer too! Every SW meal I've had from Iceland have all tasted like shit.

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