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Slimming World

Recipes using tinned salmon

5 replies

FawnDrench · 31/05/2017 16:25

Just wondering if anyone could please share any SW recipes with salmon from a tin rather than fresh.
There are quite a few salmon recipes on the SW site itself in the database but most of these use fresh salmon.

I've somehow accumulated a glut of tinned salmon and would like to use it up in tasty low or no-syn recipes.

Hoping some of you will be able to inspire me!


OP posts:
CEAB · 01/06/2017 16:17

mix with quark, black pepper and lemon juice for a gorgeous dip

FoofFighter · 01/06/2017 16:08

salmon and mayo on jacket potatoes/wraps/roll
in a tomato ragu for pasta
in a risotto with asparagus
in a quiche
in an omelette
mix with quark and stuff to make a pate

FawnDrench · 01/06/2017 16:04

Lovely - thank you both - hadn't thought of either of those ideas.

Will give them a go at the weekend.

OP posts:
HughLauriesStubble · 31/05/2017 19:54

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OwlinaTree · 31/05/2017 19:26

His about making salmon fishcakes with mash mixed with the salmon?

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