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Slimming World

Is it possible to do slimming world without joining?

10 replies

acquiescence · 25/10/2016 12:44

I have been reading a lot about how the plan works and I think I just about get it. I am vegetarian and plan to limit myself to free fruit and veg, quorn, pulses and rice. I am wondering if I can sort of follow this plan without actually paying to sign up (money is right, and I would struggle to attend a meeting due to childcare).

I am around 10st5 and would like to lose around 2 stone (I am only 5'2").

Am I making a mistake in not joinin a group or does this sound like it can work? I have found all the information about allowed foods and syns online so far.

OP posts:
acquiescence · 30/10/2016 15:45

I weighed myself today and am 9 stone 13 so 6lb lighter than when I last weighed myself - more than a month ago so not just from this, so it doesn't feel too daunting!

OP posts:
acquiescence · 30/10/2016 15:44

Malibubu if you google 'slimming world free foods' 'healthy extras' a & p' there are plenty of results for each. Select images and there are ready made print outs if needed.

OP posts:
acquiescence · 30/10/2016 15:42

I have been doing it a week without joining and feel I am doing pretty well. I am also logging my foods on my fitness pal to check I don't eat crazy amounts. I used this last time to lose weight.

I am using facebook groups and have found info just by doing google searches for what is free and not. I am keeping it very basic and not using syns for things like chocolate, I'm allowing myself a slimline g&t each day then just eating the free foods and one healthy extra a & b per day. Seems pretty straightforward to me. I know what you mean mum on the run about some people not knowing what they are doing, it is obviously not going to work unless you are strict with it as you can eat loads of pasta etc!

I'm also put off groups as I don't have that much to lose and am already just about healthy bmi, everyone I know who has done slimming world has a lot more to lose.

OP posts:
ChessieFL · 30/10/2016 15:08

Just go to a group and get the introductory talk and get the books, then just don't go back. Loads of people do this.

DorothyHarris · 30/10/2016 07:47

Probably not great but If you can get a voucher for free registration you can go to a meeting and get the books essentially for a fiver.
I've done this unintentionally. Had every intention of going regularly but ended up not going, I've got 3 under 3 and I just can't be bothered to go to a slimming club until 9pm at night.

Scorbus · 30/10/2016 07:40

See if you can find a code to join online. They are usually in magazines like Woman.

Malibubu · 30/10/2016 07:37

Definitely wouldn't join a group. It is just another thing I do not need in my busy schedule and I just don't like group things tbh.. Just want to find out a bit more about it first and be sure it is not another weight watchers. I did well on the old WW system but as soon as they want over to propoints it all went wrong for me.

libertine80 · 30/10/2016 06:41

I'm a vegetarian and have lost over 6 stoneon slimming world in just over 6 months (post baby). There are a couple of vegetarian slimming world groups on Facebook which I'd recommend joining. In the files of one of the groups there are the pdfs of the old green plan which is much more suited to vegetarians then the current extra easy plan. It is worth bearing in mind that generally people do best attending group (including staying for the group discussion). Some areas offer a free 12 week referral to slimming world if your BMI is over 25 - might be worth looking into.

MumOnTheRunCatchingUp · 29/10/2016 23:57

I was on the dojng it from home facebook group.... even tho I go to group myself

It was a nightmare. They had no clue what they were doing, or most importantly, why! Constant questions questions to the paying members.

Why don't you join the online group?

Malibubu · 29/10/2016 23:05

Sorry not able to help but may I ask where you found the information about allowed foods online. I'm thinking about joining but would like to find out more about the plan before I decide to join.


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