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Slimming World

Free food taster ideas.

6 replies

Ningnang2000 · 01/02/2016 20:52


I go to sw class straight from work so I need to bring something that can be served cold. I've not brought anything the last couple of tasters because I kept forgetting! I really want to contribute but struggling to find something free.
Any ideas?

OP posts:
BigSandyBalls2015 · 01/02/2016 21:23

Chickpea Dahl loaf - Google it, sounds fab.

FannyFanakapan · 01/02/2016 21:19

at our last taster:

crustless quiche
scotch eggs

does the venue have a microwave where you could warm something through - make in the slow cooker overnight, plonk into a tupperware and then reheat when you get there.

Ningnang2000 · 01/02/2016 21:15

Last time someone did the muffins and another lady already said she was bringing dips. Fruit kebabs not a bad idea but feel they are a but of a cheat!

OP posts:
HappyHippyChick · 01/02/2016 20:59

Or fresh fruit kebabs?

HappyHippyChick · 01/02/2016 20:59

Or in the book that you get there is a syn free snack section and they have SW coleslaw wrapped in turkey slices (you could assemble them when you arrive rather than try and drag them in and out of work already made.

HappyHippyChick · 01/02/2016 20:56

Can you make some of those mini breakfast muffins (egg, ham, peppers etc) in muffin cases. Or some SW dip with crudités (hummus or tzatziki?

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