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Slimming World

Online versus group membership

8 replies

EhricLovesTheBhrothers · 26/07/2015 08:10

What are the benefits of going to groups? Paying as you go is one, unlike paying £60 upfront for online. What do you get with either?
I want to be able to refer online to a resource with info about syns and free food, is there such a resource? I can't be bothered with books, what do you do if you're out?
I don't understand all the stuff about healthy extras and easy A and all that. Will that be explained in a group or online or somewhere?

OP posts:
emmaluvseeyore · 27/07/2015 15:21

It depends on what suits you best. I am an online member and managing fine. I have support from my partner who is doing it with me. My lifestyle doesn't allow me to get to any of the local classes (work full time and have evening commitments); even if I was free, I would rather spend the time doing some exercise!

sonata1 · 26/07/2015 20:33

You really need the support of the group. To exchange ideas, laugh, commiserate, celebrate achievements,get new recipes, keep you focused etc.I am a target member who still goes to group for the support and to support others trying to get to their goal weight.

EhricLovesTheBhrothers · 26/07/2015 11:27

Will power isn't good! Will find a group to join next week. Yes I will!!

OP posts:
CillaSlack · 26/07/2015 10:56

Well if you join a group you get access to all the online stuff with the personal encouragement as well. I go to group as it really motivates me knowing that I will get weighed each week. I think if I just did it online I would quickly lose motivation and interest. That's me though-depends on your willpower I guess.

fraggle84 · 26/07/2015 09:49

Go to group once to get the book then just do it yourself at home?

ThedementedPenguin · 26/07/2015 09:36

I go to group.
I usually buy the countdowns but you can pay each week. With the grou you get help from other people and your consultant.
You also get the books, and access to online.

So you get everything an online member gets but you can also get the help of others at group.

EhricLovesTheBhrothers · 26/07/2015 08:39

Thanks. Online sounds good, I'm not sure where I will fit a group in. But 3 months upfront! I wish you could pay monthly from the start.

OP posts:
gamerwidow · 26/07/2015 08:36

I've never been to groups but joined online yesterday. Once logged in you get access to a food and exercise diary plus tools like syn lookup, snackulator (calculates syns from calories in food) and loads of recipes. You can also download 3 files which show free foods, healthy extras and syns respectively.

Basically you can eat whatever free foods you like in any volume.
You then choose 2 healthy extras one of which is dairy and one of which is a cereal (I.e. Bread, crackers, breakfast cereal)
Any foods you eat outside of the above are added on as syns. You must eat a minimum of 5 of these a day but can have up to 15 daily.

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