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Slimming World

Is a tin of baked beans ok

6 replies

Nottinghill1 · 26/08/2014 12:44

For lunch on slimming world? Still getting used to it. I have got a young baby and I'm often so tired that I can't be bothered to prepare salads etc. something like a tin of baked beans is easy and also filling. I've looked through my book and I think they are 'free' am I correct?!!!

OP posts:
BendyMum15 · 30/08/2014 08:08

I did slimming when DS was about a year old and I didn't always have a huge amount of superfree on my plate as it wasn't always possible but I still lost weight. If your baby is still very young be kind to your self and as long as you are having lots of superfree at other times don't worry too much.

Hope it works for you - I lost a stone but then got pregnant again so now need to start all over again!

Nottinghill1 · 26/08/2014 13:50

You've done really well,well done!!! Like you say once you get your head around it I'm sure it gets easier! Think that's where I'm going wrong as I'm not having enough super free foods.

OP posts:
chocoshopoholic · 26/08/2014 13:26

The super free is how the EE plan works. The super free foods are those which fill you up without loads of calories, so a third of your plate is how the meals become relatively low calorie. You can still loose without super free but if you have slow losses you probably need to up it. I find that if I've religiously had my super free I loose 2-2.5 a week. If less super free losses are closer to 1lb a week.

nottinghill I started at 18st back in 2011. I've been loosing and maintaining ( deliberately ) since. I have a history of yo-yo-ing so this time I've been loosing about 1.5-2 stones, maintaining for 6 months and then loosing another 1.5 to 2. I hope to cross into the 11's at the next weighin.
I found it to be easy to follow, once you have your head round it. Took me ages to work out that super sped and super free are not the same. For evenings, I took up cross stitching birthday/christmas cards. Keeps your hands busy, and you don't want chocolate or crisp smudges on your work!

Nottinghill1 · 26/08/2014 13:09

Choco,how long have you been doing it? Are you finding it easy to stick to? I'm usually good during the day and end up spoiling it in the evening when baby finally goes to sleep!!!

OP posts:
Nottinghill1 · 26/08/2014 13:07

Yes I am doing 'extra easy' not got any mushrooms but do love them! Does it make a difference if you don't have so much super free? The leader of the group is lovely but so quietly spoken that I didn't catch it all! Mainly been relying on the book that they give you!

OP posts:
chocoshopoholic · 26/08/2014 12:54

Yes beans are free, but are you doing 'extra easy'? If you are you should be having a third of your plate 'superfree' so how about a big pile of grilled mushrooms to go with it.

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