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Slimming World

Help me! Third week on slimming world and still no weight loss!

6 replies

Countessfosco · 31/01/2014 10:44

Just that really. Normally I lose two pounds a week, especially after my Christmas blow out Smile. This time nothing at all. Following usual plan. Tried drinking more water. Still nothing.

I am exercising around three time a week but have been doing this for sometime.
Any suggestions?Don't want it give into my middle age spread, and bingo wings just yet!

OP posts:
Countessfosco · 31/01/2014 20:13

Thanks for replies, I will try your suggestions. Maybe switching to red days for a while since I never do red days a Aandamon suggested.
I usually have great losses with slimming world and initially lost a lot of weight with it and now use it to maintain. Just not working at the moment. Will keep trying.

OP posts:
AandAmom · 31/01/2014 15:51

I had same issue, switched it round a bit and followed original red days for a few days, lost 3 1/2 pounds this week, think my body need a shock to kick start weight loss. Good luck x

StickChildrenTwo · 31/01/2014 13:25

I would up you SUPER FREE foods if you can. Slice up some peppers, cucumber, cherry tomatoes etc and try and incorporate them into EVERY meal for a few weeks because they help you to shed water weight which we all hang on to at certain times of the month or after a bit blow out at Christmas! Definitely don't give up. My friend has lost 5 stone on slimming world and kept it off for 2 years, she had weeks of maintaining and even gains but she kept going. If she'd have given up after a few weeks of maintaining she'd still be 5 stone over weight, but she's not. She kept going and she looks and feels amazing. Good luck x

HaveYouHeardOfGoogle · 31/01/2014 10:56

Definitely keep a track of vest you're having. A little extra here or there all adds up. Boring I know but I'm speaking from experience.

Have you seen the website slimming eats? It's a great place for lovely meal ideas - the woman who does it is a genius.

Countessfosco · 31/01/2014 10:51

I think so, but you could be right and I have become complacent, but I am doing exactly the same as I normally do and it is not working this time. I will go back to basics and keep track of everything. Thanks.

OP posts:
HaveYouHeardOfGoogle · 31/01/2014 10:45

Are you sticking to the rules? Third plate free food etc? Keeping track of your syns? I found after a few weeks I would get a bit complacent and the weight loss reflected that.

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