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Slimming World

TGI Fridays

4 replies

Nellysgirl · 22/10/2013 11:51

Hi everyone!
I'm on day 1 of slimming world so still trying to understand it. Off to tgi tonight for a birthday dinner. Is there anything I should particularly pay attention to? I'm thinking they must have salads but how will I know about the syns? Grin

OP posts:
Nellysgirl · 22/10/2013 17:56

Hey thanks so much for the advice ill be going for a steak or chicken and a jacket. Oh I'm excited now I like that stuff. I guess my syns could be mayo mmmmmmmm Smile xx

OP posts:
aturtlenamedmack · 22/10/2013 15:48

They do stakes, so I'd get one of those with salad and a jacket.
Sauces on the side as already suggested.
I'd try to look at the menu online first so you know what you can have!
Good luck - I think you'll need it! Yum tgis!

Rockchick1984 · 22/10/2013 15:45

Ask for dressings etc on the side, they tend to be very high in syns! A grilled chicken breast, jacket potato and veg would be entirely syn free so if you started with something like that, or a salad, you would be able to add bits to it if you wanted to. Also, googling "syns in...." Tends to give you a good idea of how awful something is :)

gaggiagirl · 22/10/2013 15:26

Ask for a salad or a baked potato? Grin
I simply wouldn't have the will power to not eat the entire menu!
I think you can get a grilled chicken breast and some veg there.
Good luck!

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