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very colicky 10 day old needed

34 replies

larlylou · 15/07/2005 18:11

I have a 10 day old baby girl who seems to be suffering from bad wind. It generally happens at night time and is quite easy to soothe by putting her close to your stomach. I push her knees into her chest/cycle, wind her, etc to help her. What I am worried about is that she keeps wanting to feed - is this a bad thing to do when a baby has wind - is it making it worse? I have tried a dummy on her for the first time last night (I so hate them but if it helps her...!?) and it kind of worked. Once she is soothed on my chest, it is impossible to get her to lie back down on her back or side in the cot and so she ends up sleeping on my chest for the duration of the night. Today though, she has had wind this afternoon from 3pm until now. I have just fed her, winded her and she seems calm at last.

Am I doing the right thing, has anyone any tips that may help. I am feeling really tired and finding it quite difficult to cope with (also feeling very tearful). I also find it especially hard coping with the demands of my toddler who is being so good bless him.

Sorry its long and it probably doesn't make sense but I thought I'd see if there was anyone out there who is experiencing the same thing before it all kicks off again tonight.

OP posts:
highlander · 18/07/2005 07:33

BTW, the swinging has to be quite fast to be effective.

ess · 23/07/2005 00:47

Hi everyone- im new to this but recognised your babies symptoms so much. My daughter is 6 months now and had all the problems you described. We put her on colief after being told time and again it was colic(she didnt cry at set times either).Colief is used to break down lactose in milk(breast too).If a baby has a lactose intolerance the undigested lactose causes excessive wind. Its well worth trying. If that doesnt work your lo may have reflux.We put ours on Infant Gaviscon(get it from GPs)and she was a changed baby next day.Took us 4 months to get that far. I know how awful a time it is but reflux and lactose intolerance are linked and both cause excessive wind. Well worth thinking about.

ess · 23/07/2005 00:51

Hi everyone- im new to this but recognised your babies symptoms so much. My daughter is 6 months now and had all the problems you described. We put her on colief after being told time and again it was colic(she didnt cry at set times either).Colief is used to break down lactose in milk(breast too).If a baby has a lactose intolerance the undigested lactose causes excessive wind. Its well worth trying. If that doesnt work your lo may have reflux.We put ours on Infant Gaviscon(get it from GPs)and she was a changed baby next day.Took us 4 months to get that far. I know how awful a time it is but reflux and lactose intolerance are linked and both cause excessive wind. Well worth thinking about.

larlylou · 25/07/2005 23:09

Thanks so much for your helpful replies. Highlander, a friend kindly gave me that book only 3 days ago so I am reading through it at the moment and apart from the swaddling (dd doesn't take to it at all and the upstairs of our house is very warm, too hot when the sun is out that I am worried she becomes too attached to swaddling and overheats - our room goes high 20's/30 degrees - very uncomfortable). However, I am going to invest in one of those swaddling blankets just in case I need to resort to it.

I have learnt that she is in fact showing signs of overtiredness more than colic although the wind problem is still very much at the forefront. She has to be winded both at the top end and bottom end and wakes herself up trying to pass wind/have a poo and it really distresses her. We are slowly getting there and each day is very different. We are now experiencing dd not wanting to sleep in her bed and not settle unless she is asleep on our chests and is feeding constantly (some part of it when she is tired is comfort which I try not to let her do as it ends up hurting). I am wondering if she is going through a growth spurt?

OP posts:
larlylou · 25/07/2005 23:09

Thanks so much for your helpful replies. Highlander, a friend kindly gave me that book only 3 days ago so I am reading through it at the moment and apart from the swaddling (dd doesn't take to it at all and the upstairs of our house is very warm, too hot when the sun is out that I am worried she becomes too attached to swaddling and overheats - our room goes high 20's/30 degrees - very uncomfortable). However, I am going to invest in one of those swaddling blankets just in case I need to resort to it.

I have learnt that she is in fact showing signs of overtiredness more than colic although the wind problem is still very much at the forefront. She has to be winded both at the top end and bottom end and wakes herself up trying to pass wind/have a poo and it really distresses her. We are slowly getting there and each day is very different. We are now experiencing dd not wanting to sleep in her bed and not settle unless she is asleep on our chests and is feeding constantly (some part of it when she is tired is comfort which I try not to let her do as it ends up hurting). I am wondering if she is going through a growth spurt?

OP posts:
stillsmiling1 · 18/01/2008 11:50

all this advice was great to read I jave a toddler and 5 week old dd, she also seems to be suffereing with trapped wind at night am using infacol regularly does seem to be working quite well, but does anybody know which foods i should bve avoiding i know about cheese but what about mince beef???

needahand · 18/01/2008 12:05

I have flicked through the thread, but did anyone suggest going to see a cranial osteopath? It was a life saver for me

angelacameron · 01/11/2015 20:18

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sehrimalik · 28/01/2016 05:39

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