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Sleep is for the weak - the reprise.

82 replies

BrokenliSpears · 17/11/2008 09:11

There used to be a support thread for the sleep deprived among us. I thought I'd open it up again (hope that's okay with the original Sleep Is For The Weak-ers).

Grab some matchsticks to prop open your eyelids and share your tales of endless night feeds and unsleeping babies. It would feel good to know I'm not alone as I watch each hour in turn tick round on the alarm clock every night.

Last night my 6 month old ds fed at...
6.30 (when I put him to bed)
3.30 and stayed awake until 4.30
Then dd jumped on us and woke us up at 5.45 and the day began...

Going to go and Do Things now, but will check back later.

OP posts:
BouncingTurtle · 23/11/2008 09:51

Sariska - IKWYM - ds has slept through the night exactly once. Needless to say I didn't

Sariska · 23/11/2008 09:01

Oh dear - sorry to hear about your bad nights, Can'tSleepWon'tSleep and BouncingTurtle. Was yours as bad as it seemed it was going to be, Ragd0ll? Mine was actually rather good. DS slept from 6.30 to 9 in the car on the way back from PILs and then from 9.30 to 4 in his cot. I was so . After a short feed he then went back to sleep until almost 7. Before anyone shoots me, it's only the second time ever he's slept so well (first time was at 13 weeks old). And he woke up with a cough so I suspect he's brewing something nasty. Ah well, it's amazing how good it feels to have had just one good night.

CantSleepWontSleep · 23/11/2008 08:53

Bad night here too. Ds' cough is worsening and disturbed him a lot, and dd (also not 100% well) came through at 4.45am for a feed too. I'd list waking times like the rest of you, but that would imply that there were actually sleeping times .

BouncingTurtle · 23/11/2008 08:13

You are not the only one, I just shut Firefox down when he woke up! DH settled him, but took some baby ibuprofen - teeth again, poor baby!
He then woke up near 3ish and then 5ish for booby, at 5 I took him to bed with me and fed him there, and after snacky feeds he drifted off to sleep and so did I. Still got up before 7 though!

ragd0ll · 22/11/2008 23:09

I spoke to soon! DD has fed 3 times already since going to bed at 6.30. Tonight is going to be a loooong one.
bouncingturtle ouch! DD does the dragging thing now, hurts enough with just gums,shes cutting her first tooth at the mo, Im dreading it

BouncingTurtle · 22/11/2008 22:49

Hello hope you don't mind me joining late in the thread but I have an 11mo who is waking 3-4 times in the night and then wants to get up at 5am
Since I am working full time (as is DH) this is not doing me a world of good.
He did actually only wake up once or twice when he was 7-8 mo but ever since he has started cutting teeth his sleep has regressed.
This last couple of weeks have been a nightmare as he hasn't being settling back to sleep straight after a feed like he used to, and he cries out in his sleep at lot which makes it even worse!
He has been grating his teeth on my nipples as well when he feeds at night, he doesn't seem to do this during the day!
Anyway I better go to be now, I fed him half an hour ago, I expect him to wake up again in a couple of hours!

ragd0ll · 22/11/2008 19:32

piccalilli will she take a bottle? At least then you could still go out if she woke early, might just be a one off though

ragd0ll · 22/11/2008 19:29

We had a good night last night, DD fed 6.30 then went to sleep on her own within 10 mins.
10.30 fed
2.30 fed
3.30 awake screaming, dosed her up with calpol and calgel bake to sleep till 6am.
Im hoping this is the light the end of the tunnel, she finally seems to be getting the sleep thing so fingers crossed for tonight.

iamaleaf How frustrating for you, hope tonight's better

iamaLeafontheWind · 21/11/2008 21:05

Well with the help of Calpol, DD slept 11.30 until 4am for only the third time since she was born 13 wks ago. I would be so pleased, except i woke up anyway at 2am and lay there for an hour and half cos I was irritated about being awake. Why?! WHY?!

Piccalilli2 · 21/11/2008 18:11

Terrible night again last night, just when I thought we were getting somewhere. She went down OK, only a couple of minutes crying, but then woke at 9:30 and every hour and a half after that. Arrgh. And I'm supposed to be going out next weekend which is going to be a bit pointless if she's back to wanting a feed at 9:30.

ragd0ll · 21/11/2008 15:26

I hadn't CantSleepWontSleep Thanks will have a nose

CantSleepWontSleep · 21/11/2008 14:13

Have you seen this thread ragd0ll? It may help.

kerala · 21/11/2008 14:12

Well I got to sleep between 11-1am and 4-6am. Took the toddler and baby to sainsburys this morning and a total stranger said "I think you should all be tucked up in bed" and an old lady tutted and shook her head in a sympathetic way as we walked past. So my pretend to be organised uptogether mum act is definitely not working!

ragd0ll · 21/11/2008 08:52

Broccoli I saw on frannyandzooeys thread your going to do a 'wnaky' basket for DS, Of topic I know, but Im nicking the idea to do one for DD but no really sure what to put in it. Any ideas?

ragd0ll · 21/11/2008 08:43

How was everyones night?
I am also working on getting DD to sleep without boob, it only took 30 mins of singing last night compared to 40 mins the night before so hopefully getting somewhere with that, shes still waking 2 hourly though..

Rinkydinky- that sounds so hard, well done for carrying on bf, you sound very determined

Sariska · 21/11/2008 08:08

I try really hard not to boob ds to sleep (must have read the same sleep books as you, RaspberryBlower) but it often happens at bedtime because he's just so tired after yet another day of no napping. Am currently trying not to feed him to sleep during the night. At the moment he seems genuinely hungry at 10.30ish and 5.30ish. Anything inbetween seems to be comfort. However after an awful couple of nights with 6+ wakings, I resorted to the feed to sleep thing at 3am last night. Rather annoyed with myself now but was just soooo tired. Cannot even begin to think how I am going to cope with work come the end of Jan when I've said I'll go back. Atm I am sorely tempted to join the ranks of ex-City lawyers. (Not because I don't like my job - because I do - but just because I'm afraid I won't last 5 mins when I go back if nothing changes on the sleep front.) Hope everyone else is feeling more positive than I am this morning!

RaspberryBlower · 21/11/2008 07:46

Oh god, IHeartIona, it's awful when you've got your dinner waiting downstairs and they won't go off. My dd seems to sense this, probably picks up on my stress. I try to eat my dinner before we go up now, but then it's usually rushed. I've had a hellish couple of nights, but I've managed to get her off without boobing her to sleep (which is what all the sleep manuals say you need to do, isn't it?) So I'm hopeful this'll help in the long run.

IHeartIona · 20/11/2008 21:31

good to hear you had a good nap today kerala!
hope you enjoyed your night off Broccoli!

over here, isn't it just the way that dd chose this evening, when dh goes out to football training, to decide she will wake up five mins after I put her down at 7.30 and only go off properly again just now (fingers crossed, in fact legs and arms and anything else I can find that will cross.....).... typical. eating cold dinner now. yuk.

kerala · 20/11/2008 18:47

Funny so many of us are (ex?) city lawyers!

Felt guilty for feelign pleased that my poor 2 year old has a dreadful cold so she slept for 3 hours this afternoon! Usually she doesnt nap at all in the day. This meant the 3 week old and I also not a couple of hours. Amazing how your body grabs all it can from even short naps as feel great now and in a slightly better position than usual to face the night ahead..

CantSleepWontSleep · 20/11/2008 15:36

Well ds only had one feed between midnight and 4am, so that was good, despite him sleeping on top of us during this time. The bad bit is that he didn't go to sleep all evening until midnight, and after waking at 4am we didn't manage to get him back to sleep until around 6, so 20 mins before dd got up.

BrokenliSpears · 20/11/2008 14:52

How's everyone doing?

Dipped I hope you're doing better. Tuesday night sounds hellish. Sympathies.

I've had a couple of nights with the odd 3-hour stretch so am coping far better this week. Am not daring to hope we've turned a corner...

OP posts:
Piccalilli2 · 19/11/2008 14:19

Crikey, are all children of lawyers destined to be non-sleepers? I am an ex-city lawyer and both dds have been lousy sleepers.

Another fairly dreadful night last night, up every 2 hours and wouldn't re-settle at 4 a.m. so was up for a couple of hours. On the positive side, she has started settling better at bedtime, she still cries but only for about 10 minutes.


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BrokenliSpears · 19/11/2008 14:16

Raspberry is right, it is amazing what you get used to. It's also amazing how little it takes to get you back on track - I know that permanent teerful, crabby feeling so well, but only one night of better sleep gives you a new lease of life.

They won't keep it up for ever - eventually they'll have to leave to go to university.

OP posts:
RaspberryBlower · 19/11/2008 13:25

Hi Kerala, although my dd (6 months) is currently treating me to hourly wakenings she hasn't always done this and we have had periods where she's slept a bit better. So, you may not necessarily have months of the same. Hard with a toddler as well. It's amazing what your body gets used to after a while, though.

Sariska · 19/11/2008 13:21

Kerala, I didn't mean to all but copy the end of your post. Think I was distracted by DS who had just bitten me rather hard on the shoulder. Anyway, I hope you feel better soon. It's early days so hopefully you will and perhaps your LO will turn into a dream sleeper very soon

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