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7 month old standing up in cot and falling over and banging her head....

2 replies

LoveBeingAMummy · 09/11/2008 21:50

IN the last week she's figured out how to stand up, she's in a sleeping bag and manages to do this kneely thing and then stand up. Problem is she stands till she falls over and then bangs her head...any ideas????

OP posts:
LoveBeingAMummy · 10/11/2008 07:17

Thanks. Yeah its on the lowest, there are bumpers along both sides cause she was getting her legs stuck and seemed to be hurting them.

OP posts:
penona · 09/11/2008 21:56

Mine went through a phase of doing this. It does pass, but not sure of much you can do to hekp stop it! Just make sure the cot is on the lowest level so she can't fall out. It's a bit of a pain!!

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