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has anyone ever taken away swaddle, paci and rocking all at once during sleep training??

9 replies

tiredm0m · 07/10/2008 19:55

i'm going to be sleep training my daughter next weekend and we've been bad parents and have given her every possible sleep crutch there is so she can get decent sleep.

she's at a point now where things that used to help her sleep are no longer working - her naps have gone to the crapper and her nights are variable (some good; some bad). she's also figured out a way to get out of her swaddle (clever little monkey!!)

i was wondering if anyone on this board has taken away all of the above all at once during sleep training and has had success? please share your experience - i'm totally dreading the sleep training but i know it has to be done so she can get sleep!!

OP posts:
MrsMattie · 09/10/2008 09:39

just wanted to add, I'm not having a go at you@OP. I totally relate with the sleep deprivation. It is hideous. I'm just not sure that 'sleep training' at such a young age is the answer.

gingerninja · 09/10/2008 09:38

I agree MrsMattie, it's a awful time when you're so sleep deprived and you're just desperate for them to sleep but this is such a young baby, it needs comfort.

Personally I started co-sleeping at around this age for exactly that reason, to max out on sleep opportunities. You can't waste energy getting up in the night.

OP also, you are not a bad parent for giving 'crutches' in my mind that makes you a great parent. You've given your DD a secure and comfortable approach to sleep. It's much easier to get a happy baby to sleep than a distressed one in my experience.

washerupper · 09/10/2008 09:34

Just want to clarify that we had our daughter in a daytime routine and we "trained" her to get to sleep at nap time on her own. We never needed to do anything at night.

gingerninja · 09/10/2008 09:33

Personally I'd never 'sleep train' a baby this young and if you're not emotionally ready for it you may find it upsets you all without the required results. It is not a guarantee of success.

16 weeks is a classic time for sleep to regress anyway as it's a key time for development and growth.

I would try and ease her gently off the comforters if you think they're keeping her awake but I think it's a bit much to do it all at the same time tbh.

MrsMattie · 09/10/2008 09:28

I disagree with washerupper, sorry. I think 16 weeks is way too young to even be thinking about 'training' your child to sleep. They wake at that young age because they are hungry and /or need comfort. It's not a crime. I also think that for every 'success' story you hear like washeruppers, you will hear 10 more mums who have been 'sleep training' their babies for months and months with no luck, because their babies were simply too young to fall asleep alone and sleep for long periods of time.

washerupper · 09/10/2008 09:25

I think you are doing exactly the right thing. You have recognised the effect that bad sleep technique us having on your baby and are trying to resolve it for her sake.

We took away all the crutches at once at 10 weeks old. We're clearly impatient people. We still comforted and cuddled her before we put her down. We never left her to cry more than 5 mins without going in and she was getting herself to sleep within 3 days. She still cried as she was falling asleep but I watched her and you could tell she was crying because she was falling asleep rather than anything else. She would shake her head from side to side and punch the air - I now know where "fighting sleep" comes from.

She has slept brilliantly ever since and I have no regrets whatsoever. From reading mumsnet I have decided sleep training is much much easier when they are young. It makes sense really - they've had bad habits for a shorter time.

CharCharGabor · 08/10/2008 19:12

Afraid I can't advise you then, as I feel that is far far far too young for sleep training. She's only a tiny baby and needs your comfort. At 4 months most babies' sleep messes up for a while as they are becoming more aware of the world around. Maybe you could gently try to wean her off the swaddle, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with cuddling a young baby. FWIW my DD is 14 months and I still feed and rock her to sleep. Even the 'experts' don't recommend sleep training at less than 6 months. Babies need you at this age.

tiredm0m · 08/10/2008 17:09

she's 16 weeks

OP posts:
CharCharGabor · 07/10/2008 20:07

How old is she?

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