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Wakes up again as soon as i put in cot

10 replies

eggandketchup · 27/05/2008 23:48

Hi am new to this and this first time that asked for help.....

Having a bit of a tough one esp tonite with my 6 week old DD. I usually bring her upstairs between 8 and 9 and she will normally settle within the hour but tonite its not happening.

She started to fall asleep about 7:30 so brought her upstairs and put her in cot...she woke up straight away and wouldn't settle again so put her on the breast (am bf ) which usually works quickly but tonite after being on for about 15 mins she brought the whole lot up and it went everywhere. Had to bathe her and redress her and then try to settle her again.

Have now been trying to settle her since and she is having none of it, is happy that ive fed her and to fall asleep in my armsbut as soon as i put her in the cot she wakes up and wont go back to sleep.

She is now in my arms again very happy and dozing....

Help on two counts..

what happened when she puked every thing up????? and why wont she settle in her cot???? not had these probs before or is this wat i have to look forward to??????

OP posts:
eggandketchup · 28/05/2008 17:05

It was chosen by bf as he loves the name and wanted to call his daughter this if he was going to have one. Basically already decided as i love the name to.

OP posts:
lackaDAISYcal · 28/05/2008 16:34

Jasmin is a lovely name btw

eggandketchup · 28/05/2008 16:06

Love the thread you brought my attention to. Have added Jasmin to the list and had a few extra pointers too.

OP posts:
lackaDAISYcal · 28/05/2008 13:58

yay, glad it worked

bossybritches · 28/05/2008 08:02

Probably having a growth spurt egg, I remember that constant suckling then POW the extra milk comes in to satisfy her hunger. Glad she slept better

eggandketchup · 28/05/2008 07:59

youcannot... congrats on your 2 week old and let the good times begin.

my DD has just woken up with a few half asleep feedings inbetween so the swaddling was great.

thanx again for your help.

OP posts:
eggandketchup · 28/05/2008 00:28

Thankyou LackaDAISYcal, kept her in my ar ms untilk was deeply asleep and then swaddled but with arms free..... seems to have worked.

OP posts:
eggandketchup · 28/05/2008 00:04

Will try the swaddling, hopfully it will help but she never wants her arms under covers so am a bit dubious about how she will react,

She also has been feeding alot like you say constantly for about 3 days and i am calling myself the milk factory caus i dont seem to be doing anything else.

Thanx will try swaddling now and hope for the best...she fast asleep in my arms at mo but will try,

OP posts:
lackaDAISYcal · 27/05/2008 23:58

oh, my DD went through this. She would be OK until I broke contact with her then would wake up. I remember sitting with my arm in the cot and sleeping in the chair next to it so I could gget some rest. It did pass, though I can't remeber how long it took. We started swaddling her and that seemed to help.

She may have puked up because she was just too full; babies often posset up their feeds. She may not be settling in her cot because this experience has unsettled her and she just wants to be close to mum. Have you tried swaddling her in a blanket? preferably one that smells of you.

they also have a bit of a mammoth growth spurt around this time and I remember feeding DD constantly for what seemed like days, although in reality was probably only two days maximum. She was very unsettled during that time as well.

Youcannotbeserious · 27/05/2008 23:50

no advice but my 2 week old has started to do the same thing - settles in my arms but mot his moses basket so will listen in for advice

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