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is it safe to let a 6 half month old sleep on his tummy?

3 replies

topher40 · 22/05/2008 21:11

Need some advice as my wife and I have conflicting views here. He has started rolling around and this eening when I put him down he rolled over, looked around and went straight to sleep. Wondering what other people think,safe, unsafe?

OP posts:
topher40 · 23/05/2008 16:32

thanks both, that has put our minds at rest.

OP posts:
pinkspottywellies · 22/05/2008 21:21

I was going to say that once they can roll themself onto thier front you pretty much have to leave them to it! Gagarin said it better than me though.

gagarin · 22/05/2008 21:16

This is from FSID....

"As babies get older the sleeping position cannot be controlled, as they will move to find the sleeping position they find most comfortable. It is important to remember that the risk of SIDS decreases after a peak at the age of 2-3 months and that the vast majority of babies sleeping on their front do not die.

If a parent finds that their baby has rolled onto their stomach, the baby should be turned onto their back again, but parents should not feel that they have to get up all
night to check."

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