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Going to start sleep training my 14 month old next week- advice, tips, success stories PLEASE!

30 replies

Kate3150 · 11/02/2021 07:56

Would love to hear methods people have used and how it’s worked for them?
I’ve been putting off and putting off but had an awful night so determined to try something as we all need more sleep.
Thanks, look forward to hearing x

OP posts:
Groinpainruiningmylife · 12/02/2021 16:13

@Kate3150 That's the thing, you've got to be determined and be ready to do it otherwise it won't work. It might be better to do it alongside night weaning- but I'm only saying that because then you can do it in one go instead of having to do it twice essentially.

I only have an 10.5 month age gap between my two, so that's why we really needed to sleep train.

Anyway, do what works for you and your family.
It won't be a fix for everyone x

sparklingstars12 · 12/02/2021 15:59

We night weaned in a week. Didn't feed first night after 5am, next night none after 2am, then can't quite remember but the 10pm feed was hardest to crack. When I started I had visions of being up all night, but it did surprise me, he was definitely ready. First night was definitely the worst, but felt manageable as only has 2hours till morning! We did whatever to settle him just no milk. For us night wakings we're all about getting milk, so I know this won't work for all

Kate3150 · 12/02/2021 15:49

@sparklingstars12- yes, without being negative already I don’t think it will work for us as I think our DS will also be more determined than us. But just got to the point we feel we need to do something as I’m shattered and just think about sleep all day 😂.
I’d like to night wean aswell but not sure where to begin with that either as that’s a whole other thing. This baby malarkey is hard work 🤣 xx

OP posts:
sparklingstars12 · 12/02/2021 15:39

One form of controlled crying is called the Ferber method, so you could look that up. Basically as you've said go in after 2, then 5, then 10mins (or choose your own intervals). Don't pick them up and leave after a minute. It didn't really work for us to be honest, our little one was much more determined than we were, but I know some people it has been a life saver. I also know lots of people are very negative about sleep training but sleep deprivation isn't healthy either.

Groinpainruiningmylife · 12/02/2021 15:35

@Kate3150 but have a Google, there are different ways of doing it

Groinpainruiningmylife · 12/02/2021 15:33

@Kate3150 exactly that x

Kate3150 · 12/02/2021 15:26

@Groinpainruiningmylife- so would you do like 2min, 4, 6 etc or longer? When you go in just shush, lay hand then leave the room? Sorry for all the questions, I’m clueless x

OP posts:
Groinpainruiningmylife · 12/02/2021 14:54

@Kate3150 We went in to them at various time intervals, slowly increasing the time in between. We'd go in and sush and lay our hand on their chest but we wouldn't pick them up.

Of course before all this we'd make sure they'd been fed, nappy changed, appropriate clothing etc.

They did cry, and it was hard but I still don't regret it.

Kate3150 · 12/02/2021 14:48

@Groinpainruiningmylife- how does the controlled crying work without that sounding like a silly question? X

OP posts:
Groinpainruiningmylife · 12/02/2021 14:44

@Etherealhedgehog We used the Controlled Crying method

Kate3150 · 12/02/2021 14:39

Thank you so much for all your replies, I really do appreciate it.
I’ve got to try something as had yet again another terrible night. Think I went in 3 times been 11.45-12.15, then 3 times again around 2.45-3.15. It’s so much harder than when he was a newborn, as at least then he would have a feed and go back to sleep easily.
He goes down to sleep lovely at the start of the night. Bath, story, breast feed. Then I put him in cot drowsy but awake and just stroke his head until he goes off, no fuss at all. Then he’ll be unsettled from 9.30pm throughout the night multiple multiple times 😞

OP posts:
Etherealhedgehog · 12/02/2021 14:32

@Groinpainruiningmylife can I ask what method you used?

Groinpainruiningmylife · 11/02/2021 22:49

Sleep trained both of mine at 7 months old, only took 3 days maximum and they both sleep 7-7 now and when they cry I know they really need something so we go in straight away.

Everyone else can do their several wakes a night until their kids are 4 if they like but we were all happier once we were getting sleep!

Go for it OP, but be consistent.

Clarabellawilliamson · 11/02/2021 22:41

I sleep trained my terrible sleeper when she was 14 months, I had tried all the gentle approaches, trying to get her to fall asleep with me being there patting or whatever used to lead to ridiculously long bedtimes with LOTS of tears.
I watched her play with a doll, lie it down, put a blanket over and said night night dolly, so she knew what was expected.

Anyway, first night I geared myself up for something terrible but it lasted....8 minutes! She was ready, it wasn't traumatic. She was cross for a bit because she wanted me, but she didn't think she had been abandoned, it didn't teach her no one cared, it just showed her that bedtime meant sleep time.

I was so sleep deprived, it made a huge difference to my life, and hers. It was definitely the right thing for me to do. You all deserve good sleep, give it a go.

xHeartinacagex · 11/02/2021 22:31

For us it was teaching them to self settle that did it. We went really gradually from feeding to sleep, to cuddling to sleep, then in cot with back rubs, then a pat and leaving the room.

They still wake up sometimes over night, but it's usually for a reason like teething, nightmares etc. Which is totally fine and they know crying or shouting means we will come.

Goostacean · 11/02/2021 22:25

Oh my gooooodness, these threads always go the same way. Always a pile-on of naysayers.

OP, we recently sleep trained our baby at 13 months old. It was a bit hard but he was up every 2hs for breastfeeding and a cuddle... Ridiculous. Over a year old and sleeping worse than a 4 week old! And me on my knees from tiredness, underperforming both at work and in terms of patience with my older child.

DH went up to him every time with a cup of water, gave a cuddle, laid him back down. It took several nights, but within a week he was sleeping 7-7. Literally. (And within a few days of starting, DH had ditched both the water and the cuddles, just laid baby down and stroked him a bit.) I was a new woman, baby was much happier because tbh the waking was a bad habit for him also and he wasn’t getting enough quality rest. Everyone is happier. I recommend you at least try it, and give it a solid week. If it’s not working, stop. But be ruthlessly consistent, otherwise you will just be upsetting baby and failing to change habits.

ManicPixie · 11/02/2021 22:09

[quote olderthanyouthink]@MazDazzle link? There's eleven billion baby whispers on there

I'm with @Stringofpearlz I don't want DD to cry for no good reason and I don't want to condition her not to let me know if she's upset, scared, lonely, hungry etc. I saw a study where sleep trained babies didn't get anymore sleep but they were quiet so weren't bothering their parents[/quote]
^ That’s still preferable to no-one getting enough sleep, which is usually the case for any parent desperate enough to try sleep training.

MazDazzle · 11/02/2021 19:48

Tracey Hogg aka The Baby Whisperer. She published several books and had her own TV show. I’ve searched YouTube, but so far I can only find other people trying her techniques.

Harrysmummy246 · 11/02/2021 19:47

And agree with @Stringofpearlz they get their in own time. Crap sleeper DS now goes off to sleep on his own and sleeps in his own bed, with one or no wakes, most nights. He's 3y7mo now. Occasionally we share e.g. after a nightmare. Doesn't mean I actually sleep any better mind you.

Never sleep trained. Gradually helped him do this on his own, at his own pace, never forced.

Harrysmummy246 · 11/02/2021 19:45

If you don't want to sleep train but do something developmentally appropriate to aid sleep respectfully, have a look for Lyndsey Hookway's website or on instagram.

sparklingstars12 · 11/02/2021 19:44

We didn't really sleep train as such, but we did night wean and he slept through a week later. What you need to change will depend on what you are currently doing to help them get back to sleep when they wake; feeding, cuddling, rocking, patting etc.

olderthanyouthink · 11/02/2021 19:22

@MazDazzle link? There's eleven billion baby whispers on there

I'm with @Stringofpearlz I don't want DD to cry for no good reason and I don't want to condition her not to let me know if she's upset, scared, lonely, hungry etc. I saw a study where sleep trained babies didn't get anymore sleep but they were quiet so weren't bothering their parents


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RiverSkater · 11/02/2021 19:21

Gradual retreat worked for us.

It took a few days.

Good luck!

Stringofpearlz · 11/02/2021 19:15


My neighbours still cosleep with their 11 and 9 year old....

What’s your “neighbour” got to do with anything? Hmm
Stringofpearlz · 11/02/2021 19:13

Haha I appreciate my comment will go down like a fart in a lift because people who do ‘controlled’ crying will be defensive, but just offering another perspective Grin

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