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3mo suddenly waking multiple times at night for dummy

44 replies

EGmummy · 30/08/2020 13:25

Hey so I'm just looking for advice. Not sure if I've created a rod for my own back here with introducing a dummy to my baby. Its been a godsend with bed time helping her to settle to sleep and once it fell out, she was never bothered about having it back if she woke up, but to be fair the times she would wake up were to feed.
Fast forward to now and she doesn't feed until about 4am now but she's started waking from around 1 on the odd occasion shouting for her dummy, as soon as I go in and give it her back she goes back to sleep.

Is this a phase? Or should I try and wean the dummy? I have no idea what the best thing is, any ideas? Its hard at the moment as she's not able to out it back in herself so do I persevere until she can if its what she likes for comfort or do I find another way?


OP posts:
EGmummy · 07/09/2020 08:49

I think you were right! She slept from bedtime (6:30 yesterday as she was refusing naps all day and was just exhausted), minus a few hiccups actually getting her to sleep, until 3am! Then had a feed, went back to sleep until 7:30 at which point I actually had to get her up! X

OP posts:
Magpie21 · 06/09/2020 20:43

@EGmummy sometimes those nights that don't start out great end up being sneakily good! 🤞🤗
Good luck!

EGmummy · 06/09/2020 20:14

@Magpie21 I was also up about 3 times so I feel you! Plus bed time tonight hasnt gone so smooth so I hope it isn't a sign of things to come tonight 🤞xx

OP posts:
Magpie21 · 06/09/2020 16:19

Also tail end of a wonder week. You are right we will look back at this as a funny phase! It's just not very amusing in the early hours of the morning! I was up 3 times last night xx @MrsMaglev @EGmummy

MrsMaglev · 06/09/2020 08:34

@EGmummy oh no! I hope it passes quickly...I'm sure we'll look back on this one day and laugh xx

EGmummy · 06/09/2020 08:07

@MrsMaglev I have leap 4 in around 12 days and were only just coming out of number 3 😭 pray for me 🙏 xx

OP posts:
MrsMaglev · 05/09/2020 23:54

@EGmummy the end is in sight! How sad am I I looked forward through the calendar and after this next one nothing til late November I think it said...fingers crossed!

EGmummy · 05/09/2020 21:25

@MrsMaglev I agree on that I also think mine was part wonder week!

OP posts:
MrsMaglev · 05/09/2020 17:34

@Magpie21 better! She's managed a couple of four hour chunks the last few days - I think she's teething/having a wonder week which might be part of the problem! Have you managed to get much rest? Sending sleep dust your way!

EGmummy · 05/09/2020 15:40

Mine got a bit better just back to waking once for a feed, except last night where she woke up a few times, settled once she had her dummy back so each night is different for me! X

OP posts:
Magpie21 · 05/09/2020 13:58

@EGmummy @MrsMaglev How are your nights going? My DD is still not good at keeping the dummy in but wants/needs it to sleep. Really hope this is a phase that passes soon

EGmummy · 02/09/2020 15:33

I've downloaded that Huckleberry app! Gonna give it a whirl!

OP posts:
Magpie21 · 02/09/2020 14:22

@EGmummy I should add that I am way off getting the daytime naps in the cot. They tend me on me or in the buggy. One thing at a time!

@MeadowHay that's promising to know that you found it there tended to be phases. I'm not ready to give up the dummy yet as it's a good source of comfort for the baby

MeadowHay · 02/09/2020 14:14

Ahh my DD did this a couple of times a night until she could reliably sort it out herself. She had a sleepytot bunny from being around 6 months and she was fairly reliable at sorting it herself from around 9months iiric but would still occasionally need help. She would go through many many phases for a week or two at s time when she'd wake hourly for it though which was hell. It used to happen once every couple of months or so.

We just rode it out as the wakings were brief and it was boss when she was able to sort it herself and we didn't need to intervene anymore. She's slept well overall compared to many other babies and I credit the dummy with a lot of that.

Magpie21 · 02/09/2020 14:09

@EGmummy I'm using the huckleberry app and finding it so helpful for tracking my 2 MO's patterns. After 3 days of populating data it will suggest nap times. I'm following the baby cues and going with the flow for the most part, it just so happens that her naps match the app suggestions.

OverTheRainbow88 · 02/09/2020 13:10

At 3 months I would just follow their lead, I think you’re over thinking it. If showing signs of being tired= nap time etc.

Nap, feed, play, sleep etc - follow babies cues

EGmummy · 02/09/2020 12:57

Sorry about the long ass post and chage in subject (kind of)
I'm not having an horrendous time although it may read as though I am but I'm struggling to get into a nap "routine" and I use that word lightly haha. Trying to follow baby but some days she's so inconsistent! Xx

OP posts:
EGmummy · 02/09/2020 12:55

@MrsMaglev @Magpie21 I had a better run last night. Initial getting down was a rocky one but one down it was about 8 or just after till 1:30am then I fed straight away to stop the whole dummy fuss. Barely took anything but hey ho, went back down till half 6! So I'll just try that again tonight.
I'm trying to get on top of the day sleep situ too. I find she's tired after like an hour and a half of wake time so I put her for a nap and it lasts literally one sleep cycle, 45 mins! Then she's crabby again after half hour. So instead of getting her up I've tried to see if she will settle again, she did this morning and went another 1.5hrs so trying again for this nap and it's not going as smooth although not horrific.

I don't know how much sleep you should allow them to have really, I know there's no general rule but is there such thing as too much sleep in the day? I don't want her to sleep any less at night.

She's usually okay in the day but by late afternoon she gets pissed off and tired cause she's barely napped and therefore I'm having to bring bedtime forward an hour cause she won't last and I've got her screaming the place down. So ends up being bath bottle and bed at 6/6:30 instead of 7/7:30. I don't know, I've no idea what I'm doing, someone help! Haha! Xx

OP posts:
MrsMaglev · 02/09/2020 12:49

@Magpie21 I think a pp said it's basically one long leap (I think until at least 18!). Deep breaths BrewGinCake

Magpie21 · 02/09/2020 11:34

@MrsMaglev You are right and I will do so! Sometimes it feels conquer one thing and another comes up :-)

MrsMaglev · 02/09/2020 11:07

@Magpie21 it's deeply annoying, inability to fall asleep is a massive design flaw in babies. Repeat 'just a phase' x 2000 and set arms to 'rock to sleep' mode.

Magpie21 · 02/09/2020 10:34

@EGmummy @MrsMaglev I had another night of frequent wakings for the dummy! I managed to get her down for her sleep with a belly rub but by 2am I had to pop the dummy in again as she was getting restless for it.

It's so disappointing that she is sleeping through the night but waking up for her dummy. It can't be good for her sleep quality either.


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MrsMaglev · 02/09/2020 09:32

Another one with a 12 week old waking up hourly overnight Confusedsending solidarity and fervently hoping it's not the start of the 4 month sleep regression...

(OP my daughter doesn't have a dummy, usually wakes up for a bit of boob and goes straight back to sleep again once she's had a cuddle so I think it's comfort she's after)...

Good luck everyone this is awful!!

JadesRollerDisco · 02/09/2020 09:09

I would try feeding at that 11pm/midnight waking. Might get a better run. Although some babies do wake up at the worst time of night every night. My youngest wakes up at about 4am every single night and always has done! 18 months now! He will get up and play at that time, or have a quick cuddle and go back down until 6ish x

EGmummy · 02/09/2020 09:02

I don't, I'm just going off her "normal" but I know babies switch it up all the time just when you think you've cracked it! I just fed her the 1st time she woke last night and she only took a small amount so I don't think she was starving, but maybe it's more comfort and the dummy isn't always doing it for her. I'll just keep trying different things. X

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