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What time is your baby’s last nap?

7 replies

Khtchkn · 03/04/2020 08:10

My baby is 9.5 month old and still on 3 naps. He sleeps 8pm- 6 or 7am... but wakes once or two time’s throughout the night. His last nap is at 4.30-5pm... is that too late?? How long is your gap from nap till sleep time?

OP posts:
modgepodge · 03/04/2020 22:26

Mine was about 9m when she dropped from 3 to 2. Now her last nap can run til gone 5 and she still goes to sleep by 7:30 🤷‍♀️

windy2909 · 03/04/2020 22:01

I also found that trying to hold baby off napping for 3 hours helped to have 2 better (longer) naps, as opposed to 3 shorter ones.

windy2909 · 03/04/2020 21:55

My baby is 9 months and since 6 months has had 2 naps a day (he just started fighting the 3rd nap at 6 months). He naps around 11.30 till 1.30 (usually wakes around 8.30am) and then goes down for 2nd nap around 4.30 usually for at least an hour. I have a cut off point and if he’s sleeps on I wake him at 6.15pm. I’m always amazed the he can wake from his 2nd nap at 6.15 and still go down easily for the night at 8.30. I pondered over trying to change things but it works for him. If getting him down for the night becomes an issue, I’ll look at changing things then.

Khtchkn · 03/04/2020 21:38

Thanks guys. How do you know if Baby is ready to drop the nap? He gets tired after 2.5hrs/3hrs.. And I tried to drop his nap a few days but he got really irritable. I guess he’ll start to put up a fight if the time comes...Confused

OP posts:
Russell19 · 03/04/2020 20:42

I know all babies are different but I'd say 3 naps at nearly 10 months is too much. My baby has been on 2 naps since about 6 months. His last nap is 1.30-2.45 ish.

Mizydoscape · 03/04/2020 20:40

Mine is 8 months and last nap is 4pm usually awake by 5/5.15 and bed at 7.45. Sleeps most nights until 7am but has a odd night with 1 or 2 wake ups. Still needs that last nap at the moment as gets really moody if kept awake for longer than 2 1/2 hours.

terryandthechocolateorange · 03/04/2020 19:51

My DD dropped her last nap around 8 months but it was usually 4:00-4:30, any later and I'd struggle to get her down at night. Might be time to see if they can go without it and move bedtime forward a little?

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