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I need a plan. Ending co sleeping with 8 month old

26 replies

Mrsbadger77 · 16/06/2017 06:07

I want to get 8 month old sleeping in her cot. At the moment she goes down in her cot between 7-7:30 and sleeps until 10 then wakes and will only settle with a feed which I give her lying down in bed and we both fall asleep together. She wakes a couple of times in the night then feeds back to sleep.
I've tried letting her settle at 10 when she wakes but the crying is too much so I've given in.
I know she doesn't really need the milk now but it's the only thing that will settle her. Should I feed her at 10 then try to put her back in cot? Or just cold turkey her, the crying lasted an hour the last time I did that, with me going in and out. Any advice?

OP posts:
susannaR · 20/06/2017 15:27

Hi! Wow that's gr8 progress well done! It gives you the strength to persevere when you can see light at the end of the tunnel doesn't it?!
Good night here too...bed 7:30...dream feed 10pm...quick dummy insert at 3am! Yay! Up for the day at 05:15 mind....tried to feed him and put him in my bed hoping he would nod off but was more interested in poking my eyes or trying to suck my nose lol!
Yea...he does self settle at bed...only for the last fortnight....prior to that I was breast feeding to sleep. I now feed him downstairs and he's really sleepy but 100% awake when I put him in the cot...he has a dummy but still cries a be lying if I said he just peacefully nodded off 😕...hoping that will come in time. The first few nights he cried for about 15mins with me there stroking his face/shushing/picking him up etc...I'm at the point now where last night he self settled with more of a whinging cry and it wouldn't even be 5mins..and I was out of the feel like I'm making progress with that too 🙏🏻

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