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Teething and sleep regression?

2 replies

coffeequeen91 · 27/11/2016 19:08

My 16-week-old son has really been hit with the teething bug this week and along with it has come nightmarish bedtimes.

We were having great success with the pu/pd technique and baby was sending himself to sleep with little fuss but since the start of week he just screams bloody murder for about half hour of pu/pd and he always seems overtired no matter how much he sleeps.

I am at the brink of tearing my hair out- please say it will pass Confused

OP posts:
FATEdestiny · 27/11/2016 21:12

Have you tried a dummy from the fridge?

I'm not so sure it will be teething. It could well be that sleep is simply maturing away from the newborn passive stage to sleep that needs to be actively worked at. It becomes hard work to get a baby to sleep around 4 months old.

Establishing a way for the baby to access comfort to get to sleep independantly will be useful. Hence recommending a dummy.

GinAndTeaForMe · 27/11/2016 20:09

It does pass, then it happens again, then it passes again and so on. Once a tooth is through it is easier for a while.

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