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Practicalities of cosleeping with 2 under 2?

6 replies

Specialapplek · 19/11/2016 19:48

I have a 5w old and a 22 month old. We are cosleeping now as 22mo refuses to sleep in her room after she saw baby sleeping with us.

Now I am not against cosleeping in theory but how does that work in the longer term? DD1's bedtime is at 7pm so do all of you retire for the evening at 7? What happens if baby has a different bedtime from toddler? What do you do when toddler refuses to settle and disturbs baby? etc

Please share your experiences and tips. Thank you!

OP posts:
HRarehoundingme · 21/11/2016 12:49

I'm going to go against the grain.

I think you need to sleep train her now back in her room -

Artandco · 21/11/2016 12:48

At 22months mine we just put to bed in middle of our bed. They could climb out safely if needed. Baby sleep in evening in living room until around 12 months.

Specialapplek · 21/11/2016 12:44

We have a king sized bed and both DH and I are small in stature but it's still a massive squeeze. Doesn't help that DD1 is very violent in her sleep and I'm constantly getting punched or kicked in the face Confused

For now we are still cosleeping at night and when I can endure no further I think I might have to sleep train her again.

OP posts:
RedCrab · 20/11/2016 15:08

Reading this with interest! Have just posted because I'm 21 weeks and have a 22 month old waking five times through the night. I have been co sleeping with her because it got me the most sleep - and generally I'm a huge fan of co sleeping and also did it with my son - but am now panicking that I need to stop because I don't think I could cope with night feeding a newborn AND settling a toddler.

idontlikealdi · 19/11/2016 21:51

I can't imagine apart from a really massive bed. I tried co sleeping with DTs and no one really got any sleep, we have a king size bed but it's not enough space.

FATEdestiny · 19/11/2016 21:48

My best friend had similar. Her DD was cosleeping (not by choice, because she was a cot refuser) and DS was born with an 18m age gap.

She was so determined to ensure DS didn't fall into the same habits that she was super strict with him. He stayed in a sidecar cot, always put down in cot a wake with dummy and swaddle from birth, in own room from 6m. Stair gate on bedroom door once in a bed, to keep him in there all night.

DD coslept in parental bed through all of this. There was no other option with her. She coslept right through until aged 6. It was DS noticing (aged 5) and getting very jealous that his sister got to sleep with Mummy and Daddy that prompted the final push to get her in her own room.

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