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7 week DD only falls asleep in baby bjorn carrier

20 replies

LimesMum · 05/09/2016 02:49

My 7 week DD will only fall asleep (and stay asleep) if in the baby bjorn carrier, usually also involves me dancing about and listening to magic fm!!!

I had dreadful sleep habits with my older DD and am keen not to repeat this but feel she's still only so little....

If I transfer her she just wakes straight up!!

She does also occasionally fall asleep post feeding

Am I making another rod for my back here??

OP posts:
29redshoes · 18/09/2016 23:00

Same as stepfaux, my DD would only nap in the sling at seven weeks and now at 4.5 months will nap in her crib no problem.

I just kept trying it every day until she got the hang of it. Swaddling and dummy both worked for us. But if she really wasn't having it I'd just put her in the sling. An overtired baby is no fun.

Obviously aware it's early days and may still go wrong.

fluffikins · 09/09/2016 06:38
fluffikins · 09/09/2016 06:37

Sorry meant m not w


fluffikins · 09/09/2016 06:32

She just needs to be in a w position like a frog so bum is lower than knees and the spine is in a c shape. Forward facing doesn't offer this option and also overstimulates. If you want a buckle carrier id recommend a boba 4g or a Tula, the latter is for 15lb + though but SO comfy. Still using both carriers at 16 months with no problem.

LimesMum · 08/09/2016 22:58

I was asking about the hips comment as I'm actually a paediatric physiotherapist and was unaware This was the case as the position she is in does not appear to be one which puts hips at risk. Have also clarified with some orthopaedic colleagues so feel happier from that aspect. Possibly bad for my back tho!

She is now becoming worse and worse at getting to sleep - even bjorn isnt working!!bve actually just put another post up!! Fee like getting in the car and driving!!!!

OP posts:
StepfauxWife · 08/09/2016 22:42

To answer your original question - DD2 had a lot of sleeps in the sling at this age. I resent one night when she was around three weeks old where I wore the sling all night and watched a lot of bad tv.

We gradually moved to the Sleepyhead, falling asleep in my arms and then transferring her. At around 4.5 months, she naps in her crib with no problem. What's her night time sleep like?

YellowSquirrel · 08/09/2016 20:31

It's the old baby born that were bad for hips. New ones are fine.

StepfauxWife · 08/09/2016 20:16

I think it depends on which Baby Bjorn you have. The newer models are kinder on your back and aren't "crotch danglers". I have the One Air and it's very comfortable and I have no concerns about my baby's hips. I would always use in the forward facing position.

Nutellas · 05/09/2016 15:56

No, you won't form bad habits at seven weeks (DS2 fed to sleep and throughout the night until six months and he now falls asleep by himself and sleeps through). But please buy a decent carrier if she is spending a lot of time in it. Ergobaby carriers are excellent and don't allow the baby to dangle from their hips / pelvis.

LimesMum · 05/09/2016 14:48

Thanks all interesting points and ideas which I'll give a go.

Is there new research into baby bjorn and their hips?

OP posts:
SweetPeaPods · 05/09/2016 04:40

Ds1 spent his first 4 weeks sleeping on us. Then we found he was happy lying on his front in his crib.
I wouldn't worry too much, they won't still be sleeping in a baby carrier when they are 16 but I would read up on Ticks for baby wearing.

Pteranodon · 05/09/2016 04:38

We did/do cuddling to sleep and it's been lovely, youngest just growing out of it now at 3 1/2, but it hasn't been a problem, cuddle/sling carry and transfer to bed (transferred well from 6-7mo). If you want to keep going you can get carriers that are good for their hips (& much easier on your back, too).

This type of thing -

Batteriesallgone · 05/09/2016 04:36

She's 7 weeks. Get a better carrier and enjoy the cuddles. Two bad sleepers - I feel for you, it's shit!

But habits? Really? At 7 weeks? And a child incapable of learning language or most physical abilities is however perfectly capable of learning to be difficult about sleep? Ridiculous concept pedalled by people who want to sell books IMO

Jenijena · 05/09/2016 04:08

DS2 screamed loads at that time... If he wasn't feeding, and was awake, he was screaming. We had reflux medicine (he's also an impressive puker) but he just cried a lot. I found a dummy useful for breaking up the crying enough to think about sleep. I certainly wouldn't advocate any form of crying sleep therapy at that (or possibly any) stage, but as his awakeness was either crying or feeding, the dummy helped sleep happen a bit more reliably. And yes, it's a sleep crutch, but it is also more importantly for me a sanity crutch.

Kiwiinkits · 05/09/2016 03:56

Yeah that's true, Jenijena, some babies are just really hard work. Despite their parents' best intentions, they just don't comply. Totally agree with that.

Jenijena · 05/09/2016 03:55

Sorry, I remember that age being a real bummer, but forgot to also congratulate you on dd2. It does get easier (even if it did not resemble EASY baby whisperer style...)

Jenijena · 05/09/2016 03:47

I was so so keen to get this ds2 on the path to good sleep after the disaster that it his brother. Was going to put him down sleepy but not sleeping, encourage soothing/self settling to sleep. He's five months now and clearly didn't get the memo about being a sleeper because in some ways he's even worse than his brother. A friend of mine recently said 'gentle sleep techniques only work on children who want to sleep' and I can well relate to this. I have never put him down and seen him fall asleep independently :( although he is better at transferring than at the earliest stage.

On another point, if she loves being carried so much, you might want to look into a carrier which is kinder on your back and her hips...

Kiwiinkits · 05/09/2016 03:46

Really, getting into good sleep habits now will have SO many rewards later down the track. Like all things in life, start the habits now that you mean to continue. If you want to carry her around when she sleeps, then go ahead. Some people do.... they're mad, and clearly not that busy

I found the Baby Whisperer book really useful. Especially the EASY routines. Not every baby goes exactly by the specified times obviously, but if you're capable of using the routines as a guideline rather than an iron-clad law then the book is useful. Sleep training is not about 'cry it out' if you treat it as a gradual process of setting good habits. And those habits start early - 7 weeks is a good time to start. Leave it much later and the baby will get very used to whatever sleep prop you set up for her.

I've watched SO many friends try to do Attachment Parenting / cuddling to sleep and in EVERY single case it has been a disaster in the longer term. I haven't said anything to them (because, you know, none of my business) but in each case the babies have been taught that they need mummy as a prop for sleeping. And in each case there are now 2 and 3 year olds that still are not getting a decent night's sleep. Not fair on those kids, dreadful for their parents.

Kiwiinkits · 05/09/2016 03:36

Are you burping the baby after every feed? You probably want to get out of feeding to sleep. Better practice is to feed her when she first wakes from a nap then burp, then change nappy, then swaddle and put to bed after she's been up for a while. Forgive me if that's what you're already trying to do and you know all this.

WellErrr · 05/09/2016 03:05

Yes. And they're terrible for their hips.

If she has to be upright it's probably wind issues. Can you raise one end of the Moses basket?

My 5 week old won't go to sleep on her back, so I put her on her side then roll her after ten mins or so. Could you try something like that?

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