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how would you adjust this daytime nap routine (17mo)

8 replies

cakeycakeface · 27/04/2016 12:22

DS is nearly 18 mo. He wakes at just after 6am no matter what. Our routine used to be

Nap: 30mins at 9.30,
snack: at about 10.30am
Lunch: at 12.30ish
Nap: 1hr 30mins at 1.30

This meant DH would have to collect DD from nursery at 3pm 3 times a week and finish his work at home on those days. If we deviated from this it would screw up DS's night time sleep. We went through hell for months when he woke every hour through the night which nearly killed us, so sustaining a routine which keeps him sleeping through the night is really important yo us.

Recently he went down for morning nap as usual, but I found it very hard to get him to nap after lunch. The later this got, the worse night times got.

We decided to try drop the morning nap. Routine shifted to

snack: 10am ish
Lunch: 11:30
Nap:12-12.30 ish for as long as he sleeps. Usually 1hr 30-1hr 45
And I can pick DD up, which DH is happy about

Problem is he is really tired at lunch time and eats very little, and is grumpy. So I don't know what to do here. And the other issue is it means I can't go anywhere in the morning or he sleeps in the car and we're back to issues of refusing to sleep in the afternoon.

Yesterday, I did go out and he was asleep by 10.12 in the car. I managed to get him to sleep by 2pm but last night was horrendous: he wouldn't sleep until 8.45pm and then woken at 3.15 and it took two hours to settle him.

As a result, today I have him napping at 11.30 with no lunch yet. I am going to try not have an afternoon nap.

What are your thoughts? WWYD or try? I'm finding it hard to get him sleeping and eating regularly and happily again, and accommodate DD's pickups.

OP posts:
MrsAukerman · 27/04/2016 14:14

Similar issues here. Ours doesn't sleep through but the daytime issues are exactly identical.
Perfection seems to be an 11 o'clock snack then asleep by 1130 then a late lunch.

cakeycakeface · 27/04/2016 13:59

Aargh! He's awake and refusing to eat. So no lunch again. It's really not like him. I'm not sure if last night's awful sleep was due to hunger.

OP posts:
MooseAndSquirrel · 27/04/2016 12:59

DD2 is 18months. She gets up at just before 6am, has a big snack at 9.30/10ish and goes down for her nap at 11.
Shell sleep for normally 1.5hrs and has lunch when she wakes up.
this does mean I've gotta be back in the house by 10.30 and doesn't leave much time out and about before DD1 needs picking up, but it works for us.
Id prefer to have less free time out and a toddler that sleeps through (took her long enough, and I cant go back to broken sleep again!)

Bimberley · 27/04/2016 12:51

My DS is 16 months.

Horispondle · 27/04/2016 12:51

I would have thought two naps is too much? My 17mo is up 6am most days, then goes down 10:30-11ish for a 1.5/2hrs then has lunch whenever he gets up.

InsaneDame · 27/04/2016 12:40

At that age mine had a nap 11/11.30 until 1.30 then had lunch when he woke, just gave him a big snack at 10.30. Now at 2yo he goes for nap at 12/12.30 until 1.45 then lunch when he wakes at around 2pm - it works for us.

cakeycakeface · 27/04/2016 12:35

Is your DS about the same age?

DS managed three mouthfuls of lunch at 11.15 and then was rubbing eyes and refusing food. So I put him to bed and have the rest of lunch for him later .... if he'll eat it!

OP posts:
Bimberley · 27/04/2016 12:32

We have this too at the moment. Too tired for lunch, so he's having a big snack then down at 11.30-1.30/2.00 & then no more naps before bed at 8pm. He has lunch at 1.30/2.00

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