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Wake to sleep

4 replies

MrsL2012 · 23/06/2015 06:11

Has anyone used this with success? Or unsuccessfully?

My 9 month old is waking early - 5am - and he's shattered an hour to an hour and a half later so I know he hasn't had enough sleep.

He's so hard to get to sleep so putting him back down is almost impossible! I won't let him cry as he gets VERY loud and upset, if I bring him into my bed he thinks it's a game, he's not hungry and I don't want to start a habit of feeding at this time.

I'm wondering if wake to sleep might help. I'm currently on holiday with my DH and his family so plenty of help if it backfired and my day started at 4am!

OP posts:
dancemom · 25/06/2015 14:32

Yes! I used it several times with dd when she was younger, worked every time!

polkadotdelight · 25/06/2015 14:30

Ive wondered about this as I have a 5am waker too.

SweepTheHalls · 25/06/2015 12:26

I did it, it seemed crazy setting my alarm for half an jour before his ridiculous regular 2am wake up though! I did it for 3 nights, which did reset him. Good luck Flowers

FATEdestiny · 25/06/2015 12:24

I've never tried this. But will bump your thread since no one has answered.

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