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A glimmer of hope for my wakeful 4 month old

2 replies

amijee · 12/10/2010 08:18

Hi there,

Like a lot of 4 month olds, my dd's sleep went completely haywire in the last 2 weeks or so. She had lost her core sleep ( of 5-6 hrs first half of night) and was waking every 1-2 hrs. I tried feeding her through the night, ( bf) not feeding her, giving more and less naps in day, making her stay awake longer before bed time. Nothing worked. I wasn't convinced it was hunger or a growth spurt because feeding made no difference. She's also been a nightmare with naps in the day and very cranky.

I was contemplating doing cc earlier than 6 months as it was leaving me without any energy for her or my other 2 preschool kids.

Last night, she was doing her normal of going to sleep on my shoulder and crying the minute I put her in the moses basket. So at 3am, I just left her. I was right next to her so I could tell if there were any issues and i made sure she was not hungry or windy. Well, she only cried for 20 mins tops and slept right through to 6.30 when I fed her again and she slept another hour. It doesn't seem much but believe me, it's a break through in her case.

I know it may not be for everyone but I just wanted to share this for anyone who may be helped by it. I will do the same tonight and also for naps at home. I feel better about letting her cry it out knowing she is right next to me and I can tell if she has been sick etc.

Will keep posted about her progress.

OP posts:
holytoast · 13/10/2010 19:46

Our DD (6 months)will lay in her cot, mostly gurgling and chuntering, but occasionally crying a little bit (never full on screaming, just almost calling out) and since she was 4 months or so, she almost seems annoyed if we try to rock her or bother her by patting her back. She generally now will drop back off to sleep quite happily after this little bout of chuntering. Some babies just need to cry to get to sleep I think.

SkilpadsMom · 13/10/2010 17:36

Thank you for the post - its so nice to hear a story that has a positive spin!
Good luck - let us know how you get on...

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