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Would you ski at 14 weeks pregnant?

33 replies

crabby · 22/01/2008 11:31

Already booked for a 10 day ski holiday. Have just found out I am pregnant and will be 14 weeks by then. Has anyone skiied at this gestation?

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hanaflower · 22/01/2008 11:35

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Pollyanna · 22/01/2008 11:37

I wouldn't because I'm not good enough, but I went away with someone last year who was about 12 weeks and she did. Had no problems at all.

ladyhelen2 · 22/01/2008 11:41

JUst about to go at 6 weeks pg. Bit of a surprise! I am going to board.

seeker · 22/01/2008 11:45

I don't think I would - not because I think it's likely to do the baby any harm, but accidents do happen and it would be seriously grim to be pregnant with a knee in plaster. And I suspect that the change in your centre of balance might make an accident more likely. Sorry - not what you want to hear.

Oh, and if you do go, check your travel insurance - make sure you're covered.

VanillaPumpkin · 22/01/2008 11:45

I wouldn't. Too much chance of falls and too many variables.
However I let dh ski with dd1 strapped to his front as it was on baby slopes (in Cyprus) and he is v good and a qualified instructor. Many people would never have done that so I guess it depends on you skill level. If you are good though are you really going to enjoy pootling on the easy runs. Plus easy runs full of people like me who can't ski and could crash into you.

hertsnessex · 22/01/2008 11:47


BrownSuga · 22/01/2008 11:49

I went at 6mths. I stayed off the black runs and took it easy, no problems.

Brangelina · 22/01/2008 11:51

If you're a good skier then you shouldn't have any problems. One of my work colleagues skied regularly until she was 22 weeks when her bump started making her feel unbalanced. I personally didn't go at 13 weeks but then I'm not that proficient and hadn't skied for 10 years prior to that. I did however ride my bicycle up to 20 odd weeks and that's another thing you're advised against in case of accidents.

It's up to you to assess your own level of skill and the risks involved. You also have to take into account a change in your preception of balance but that won't be an issue at 14 weeks.

Slacker · 22/01/2008 11:52

Yes I have done, took it easy but was still fun. Wouldn't ski once I had a bump though as would be worried about balance (also trousers wouldn't fit!)

BroccoliSpears · 22/01/2008 11:53

I was advised to give up climbing in my first trimester. The risk is of falling and jolting which is bad when the embryo is trying to attach itself securely to your uterus. Or something. Oh god, sorry I've probably got the science bit wrong. Jolting. Bad.

Same issue with skiing I would think.

So, no I wouldn't.

Surr3ymummy · 22/01/2008 11:58

I skied at 13 weeks pregnant, as we also had a holiday already booked, and I needed to be able to ski with DDs. I stuck to green and blue runs and took it fairly easy - we went in January, and kept to the quieter slopes. I also had regular, longish breaks - and it was fine - actually I found I felt much healthier and better than the previous weeks sitting at work.

At that stage your centre of balance isn't really any different, and the baby is very well protected, as it is still really tiny. I would suggest taking lots of books, that way if you find it worrying, you can find a nice cafe and read instead.

BrownSuga · 22/01/2008 11:59

My very stern midwife was not worried about a fall in relation to the baby, only if I broke something, as bones more brittle.

mejon · 23/01/2008 09:51

I did some very basic cross-country skiing when I was 11-12 weeks pregnant. My midwife didn't think it was a problem as she'd been x-country-ing in the past too. I did fall over a few times, but mainly on my very well padded bottom and had no problems.

QuintessentialShadow · 23/01/2008 09:53

A woman from my hometown was out cross country skiing, when she had an accident. She had to stay the rest of her pregnancy in hospital.

flowerybeanbag · 23/01/2008 09:54

No I wouldn't do anything like that, I wouldn't want to risk it.

BecauseImWorthIt · 23/01/2008 10:04

Having lost a baby after ds1 (nothing to do with skiing!) personally I found that I couldn't take any risks, and certainly I wouldn't have done this.

If you're a competent skier, and your midwife doesn't see any problems, then I would say it's up to you.

But I wouldn't.

myhouseisamess · 24/01/2008 11:19

I've just come back from Switzerland and am 9 weeks pregnant and skiied at 13/14 weeks during my first pregnancy. I'm a fairly competent skier and don't fall often but I took it easy - avoided the moguls etc and didn't ski everyday like I would normally. Most travel insurance covers you until about 26 weeks but there are a few specialist ones eg Fogg insure that don't cover you if you knew you were pregnant when you took out the policy. Oh, and I'm a midwife!

Take it easy and enjoy the mountains.

lljkk · 24/01/2008 11:53

Er, I would go if I was a competent skiier. But be cautious about it. I've had all kinds of falls in pregnancy, though, which makes me thinks the risks of falling, especially this early on, gets over-stated. I've never any had harm done from falls in pregnancy (not counting bruises on my bum, thighs, knees, elbows or ankles, of course).

LucreziaBourgeois · 24/01/2008 11:59

Would check with your MW and GP, and follow their advice.

MrLSG · 24/01/2008 16:07

MWs and GPs who ski almost universally say continue to ski.

MWs and GPs who don't ski almost universally say don't do it.

MrsLSG skied with ds1 until she was over 20 weeks - with the results that ds1 (now 6) is himself a very keen skier.

katwith3kittens · 24/01/2008 16:12

If you are a competent skier then I think its OK. Obviously dont take any silly risks...

but if you are a novice then possibly not.... you could just sit on the terraces and enjoy the scenery

cluckyagain · 24/01/2008 16:14

No - honestly, no matter how careful you are it only takes a mad nutter to take you out (and possibly threaten your pg) Just not worth it.


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NorthernLurker · 24/01/2008 16:17

No - but only because I never have and it's not the time to start but if you are expert and keen then I don't see why you shouldn't go for it. I was still cycling at 39 weeks though if that's any help.

jenpet · 24/01/2008 16:18

We have just cancelled our week in Feb as I will be 13 weeks by then...but it is my first time ever skiing (not been pregnant lol) I wouldn't have enjoyed it for worrying what might have happened....

VoluptuaGoodshag · 24/01/2008 16:24

Depends on your ability and how you confident you feel. I went skiing and I was only a couple of weeks gone. I'm a fairly competent skier but unfortunately I was ski-ing like a woose coz I was scared something would happen and yup, I fell. No harm to the baby but I badly damaged my knee. Beware the hormones!!!

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