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Where do you buy ski gear for kids?

32 replies

CruCru · 21/02/2017 13:20

Having got back from our half term, I'm getting excited about next year's skiing trip.

My children's ski gear will be too small by them (although my daughter can wear my son's old stuff). Where do you buy your children's ski gear? I like the stuff on but their website is super clunky and whenever I try to add anything it tells me it's out of stock.

My husband will get irritable if I spend too much (although "too much" is difficult to define - let's just say that a £200 jacket from Spyder is out).

OP posts:
Giraffesaretootall · 21/02/2017 13:22

We've got most of ours from Aldi or Lidl. They are cheap and decent quality. You do have to go in the day they get to store though in about November time. I sign up for the newsletter specifically to find out the date. Then chance again.
Otherwise go outdoors is quite good.

MazDazzle · 21/02/2017 13:22

Mountain Warehouse

Giraffesaretootall · 21/02/2017 13:23

When I say decent quality, I mean decent enough to do a few seasons. For adults I may be tempted to go more expensive but not for how little use the kids stuff gets.

drspouse · 21/02/2017 13:25

Aldi or Ebay - to be honest for something they wear just a few times I find Mountain Warehouse is a bit expensive, especially if you are buying multiple base layers!

But mine are small and grow out of things quickly - so we are lucky to get 2 years wear out of things. Having said that, DD's MW snow boots are now her favourite shoes and she'd wear them round the house if we let her.

WellTidy · 21/02/2017 13:26

O'Neill has a good range across the price brackets. I buy really decent gloves and socks for DS, thermals from somehere like m and s, and then layer up. We bought things that were a big big for him the first time he went, but they lasted three seasons. The sallopettes with braces are good as you can hook them up and buy them slightly big for the first season.

Somerville · 21/02/2017 13:27


Though DD1 has finished growing, she assures me, so it requesting expensive stuff these days. Hmm

TreadSoftlyOnMyDreams · 21/02/2017 13:27

Mountain warehouse has really good value at the moment.

Newtssuitcase · 21/02/2017 13:28

decathlon its inexpensive and decent quality and children grow quickly.

SukeyTakeItOffAgain · 21/02/2017 13:28

Mountain Warehouse or Decathlon of you want new. But I got some really good cheap stuff off ebay this time round.

flumpsnlumpsnstuff · 21/02/2017 13:31

Sports direct never lets me down £30-40 for a nevaca jacket for dd2

CruCru · 21/02/2017 13:35

Wow, thanks all! I'll check these out.

OP posts:
trixymalixy · 21/02/2017 13:52

TK maxx. I stock up in the yellow label sale. I got spyder jackets for £20 each DC this year and spyder salopettes for DD for £9. I bought the next size or two up as well for that price!!!

Muchtoomuchtodo · 21/02/2017 17:20

Our closest o'neill shop is in a McArthur Glen outlet village. They've got a great sale on ATM, there's also mountain warehouse, snow and rock, regatta etc there which all have sales on too.

Might be worth a trip if you've got one of these places not too far away.

LIZS · 21/02/2017 17:25

Snow and Rock clearance and ebay - good value for TNF and Spyder.

SukeyTakeItOffAgain · 21/02/2017 18:08

I went into Snow and Rock and felt faint at the prices. I don't think anyone sane would class it as good value ski gear for kids!

MollyHuaCha · 21/02/2017 18:10

Snow and Rock or Decathlon.

AuntieStella · 21/02/2017 18:10

I've had great stuff from Aldi and TKMaxx

Decathlon is good too, and chains like Snow and rock often have good offers.

Artandco · 21/02/2017 18:11

Polarn o Pyret merino fleece thermals are good, they can wear all winter as pjs or regular warm casual clothing so get good use

LIZS · 21/02/2017 18:13

Sukey you have to look at their sale pages, often end of or last season kit is very reduced.

Piffpaffpoff · 21/02/2017 18:20

Up until now, Aldi, but I had a look at the Decathlon stuff and I may switch to that for next year. It looks good quality and well-priced.

SukeyTakeItOffAgain · 21/02/2017 18:23

LIZS alas that means planning ahead :o

I found a good ski shop in Forest Hill not long ago. Anyone know it?

nightswimming1 · 21/02/2017 19:50

Amazon has some good deals - it can be a bit random but you can get some real bargains.
V envious others have luck at Tj Maxx - ours is full of utter dross, no chance of quality brands!


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Muchtoomuchtodo · 21/02/2017 21:56

Sukey - snow and rock outlet shop when they have got a sale on! You've got to be lucky but there are bargains to be had.

Lizzylou · 22/02/2017 16:42

We kitted DS1 out almost purely from Decathlon, he's just come back from school ski trip and it has all held up perfectly, looks good as new. Highly recommended.

Monkeymonstermum · 23/02/2017 09:44

Oo, I didn't know about the Snow and Rock outlet - will investigate next time we're that way!

For small ones I agree the Polarn O Pyret stuff is amazing. Some goes down to 50% off (sometimes even more, eg they've had a voucher code to take an extra 10% off the outlet price online) in the sale and the quality is amazing. I have 3 boys so it needs to be good to last all 3.
Sports direct have some cheap stuff - often more on line than in store though (you have to pay £5 click and collect but then get a £5 voucher to use in store valid for 2 years).
TK Maxx, again on line is worth a look.
We also got a £70 POP snowsuit from eBay for £15, been worn a hand full of times so a great bargain (although the prices some people expect to get on eBay surprise me as they often ask more second hand then the new price in the sale....).
Decathlon is where we got the rest, good quality and good choice.
Happy shopping!

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