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how can you decide whether to trust a skiing nursery?

8 replies

bottomburp · 26/09/2006 21:00

my DD will be 9mths old in Jan and i was thinking about skiing. however whilst i look up ofsted reports and go and visit nurseries here for when i go bk to work part time it seems mad that i wd have no idea about the nursery she goes into at a resort. what does anyone else think? my s-in-law used a nanny with mark warner (s'posed to be great) amnd one day nannys boyf turned up instead of nanny!

OP posts:
RanToTheHills · 26/09/2006 21:05

MW have excellent childcare IME, tho this is based on my impression of summer resorts, not ski-iing, don't see why it wd be different tho.

lapsedrunner · 26/09/2006 22:44

Not helpful I know but from personal experience it is just easier to take a break from "skiing" holidays until they are older . Perhaps aim for a less "downhill ski" orientated resort and look at it as a holiday in the snow instead?

Otherwise have a look at Ski Esprit, no personal experience but lots of MNs have used them

LIZS · 27/09/2006 11:50

Agree with Lapsed Runner, best not rely on it to give you an adult skiing holiday but view it as a family snow break . The care standards and facilties will differ from UK ones even in UK based companies who employ UK trained staff (Esprit often just take over a bedroom for a nursery room to give you an idea of size). We took grandparents when ds was that young but even then we couldn't just go off all day every day. I've known people be happy with childcare from companies like Esprit but we've felt it pretty indifferent and pricey, so have used ad hoc local childcare instead for dd or gone to a hotel with its own. Watch out for age restrictions and low season opening times though and the staff may not have good English which may or may not bother you. January can be cold and miserable for lo's too so be prepared to stay somewhere where you can entertain her indoors.


cooperflykiller · 27/09/2006 18:37

I have used Ski Esprit in Tignes and Larosiere for the last three years and i found their child care to be AWESOME! They were lovely, cuddly and really pro-active with my little one (who was two when we first went). Also, my friens is an ex-ski esprit nanny and she uses them too!

cooperflykiller · 27/09/2006 18:38

I have used Ski Esprit in Tignes and Larosiere for the last three years and i found their child care to be AWESOME! They were lovely, cuddly and really pro-active with my little one (who was two when we first went). Also, my friend is an ex-ski esprit nanny and she uses them too!

spagbol · 27/09/2006 20:20

Go to a Kinder Hotel with 5 smileys.

bottomburp · 28/09/2006 00:35

thank you all very much for advice, think am going with lapsed runner and taking grandparents for family snow hols. thank you!

OP posts:
elastamum · 08/10/2006 23:16

I agree, take someone you trust with you and be prepared not to ski a lot yourself. We do 2 weeks with the kids and a long weekend alone where we ski more than both weeks togehter. Just think of it as a family holiday with snow and you wont be disapointed

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