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Whats this all-in- one craze ?

5 replies

RunforFun · 07/03/2011 10:25

Just got a photo/ postcard from friends wearing what look like pantomione cow suits on their last day of skiing Hmm and it jogged my memory at seeing lots of youngsters in fancy dress outfits on the slopes in Switzerland last Friday.

My kids 14 and 10 looked a bit blank.

Is it some kind of new craze or was the altutude just making me see things like pigs and crocodiles ?

OP posts:
tulpe · 07/03/2011 21:10

We saw a group of Milka Cows in Les Arcs back in early Feb. Also spotted a Christmas Pudding, Scooby Doo and a whole array of dodgy 80's ski wear (although, I guess that may not have been fancy dress Hmm )

BluddyMoFo · 07/03/2011 15:43

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LIZS · 07/03/2011 15:31

Was it Carnival/Fasnacht ? In Germanic countries people do dress up, have parades and music events in resorts just before Lent.

RunforFun · 07/03/2011 10:49

I have no idea.

There was a Tigger or two if I can remember correctly ...

but I'm now left wondering why a grown woman would have a Tigger sleepsuit, is it > a bit of a fantasy ? Grin

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BluddyMoFo · 07/03/2011 10:26

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