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We dont allow threads like this

7 replies

sobeyondthehills · 20/05/2017 15:27

I was on a thread yesterday and it got deleted the message was

However, we're afraid to say we don’t allow threads like this on the talkboards, so we’re going to delete it now.

I was wondering what it means, as far as I could tell, it was someone asking for help.

OP posts:
sobeyondthehills · 21/05/2017 11:19

Thanks Caroline, it was probably that then. Hopefully the OP is ok.

Thanks Donkey, must of completely missed that conversation

OP posts:
DonkeyOaty · 21/05/2017 11:06

Suicide type threads do get taken down and OP signposted to RL help. It's to protect members as well as the OP. There was quite a big discussion a few years ago and HQ sensibly took advice from outside agencies.

CarolineMumsnet · 21/05/2017 11:01

Hi there sobey. It really depends on the nature of the thread . To try to be slightly more helpful, we will be minded to take threads down that mention suicide if it looks to us that the OP needs more support than our users are able to give via the boards. Hope that makes sense Flowers.

sobeyondthehills · 21/05/2017 09:10

It was a thread about gambling. It could of been a way to ask for money, OP might not of been genuine. S/he did mention that they were suicidal, however I have seen a few threads about feeling suicidal and they have stayed.

Might never get an answer on this for HQ but I really felt for the OP and didn't get the idea it was a fake

OP posts:
BIWI · 21/05/2017 08:55

What was the OP asking for/about?

fruitbats · 21/05/2017 08:53

It would be deleted if they were asking for money or talking about taking their own life.

WellErrr · 21/05/2017 08:51

What were they asking for help with?

There are a very few subjects that are not allowed, with good reason.

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