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Rehome cat thread deleted?

19 replies

Pumpkintopf · 29/12/2016 14:12

Hi, had replied to this thread and while I was reading a message popped up to say thread deleted. Just wondering why, and as this is the first time this has happened to a thread I've been on does the 'deletion message ' that explains why it's been deleted get sent to my email or where does it go? Thanks!

OP posts:
ilovesooty · 29/12/2016 20:01

I only read the first page. I suspect I'd have been in line for deletion and severe reprimand if not worse had I posted on it.

SherlockPotter · 29/12/2016 16:55

What people were putting was what I was thinking, but I felt they needed some advice rather than be called names etc. I never saw the deletion message though!

RacoonBandit · 29/12/2016 14:33

As in Eastwood?

glitterandtinsel · 29/12/2016 14:31

I thought op was upset that nobody agreed with them!
I thought the op was being a bit of a clint...

Pumpkintopf · 29/12/2016 14:30

raccoon Grin

OP posts:
RacoonBandit · 29/12/2016 14:25

People feel very passionate about mistreatment of animals it will always get heated. Add in to the mix special snowflakes and it will never end well.

Wolfiefan · 29/12/2016 14:21

Ah I thought I saw a lot of name calling. I had intended to post but stepped away when I saw how it had deteriorated.

Pumpkintopf · 29/12/2016 14:20

Oh I see-I didn't get the bun fight message (I'm using the app) just a pop up saying thread deleted

OP posts:
RacoonBandit · 29/12/2016 14:20

Hi Pumpkin Grin

Lovelongweekends · 29/12/2016 14:19

They did say why it had been deleted - it had turned into a bunfight.

RacoonBandit · 29/12/2016 14:19

I think it was only 1 poster that used the word cunt Wolfie. Still mnhq say bun fight so whoosh it goes.

Pumpkintopf · 29/12/2016 14:19

Hello raccoon you were on it too I think. I know TAAT isn't allowed and didn't want to rehash the argument just wanted to know why it had disappeared!

OP posts:
bowchikkawowwow · 29/12/2016 14:18

Is it the one that was started a few weeks back?

Pumpkintopf · 29/12/2016 14:17

I just assumed perhaps naively that MNHQ would say why it was deleted ie they'd decided it was a troll, or at the ops request etc-just curious (nosy!) really...

OP posts:
Wolfiefan · 29/12/2016 14:17

They did. People were calling each other cunts! That is what a bunfight is on here! Grin

RacoonBandit · 29/12/2016 14:16

The deletion message sometimes gives a reason.
Also this thread will go soon for bein TAAT.

SherlockPotter · 29/12/2016 14:15

Either that or it was a troll?

Pumpkintopf · 29/12/2016 14:15

Thanks Ungoogle-do MNHQ not tell you why they've decided to delete it at all then?

OP posts:
UnGoogleable · 29/12/2016 14:14

No you don't get an email - all you get is what you saw, the message on your 'Threads I'm on' to tell you it had been zapped.

It looks like it was deleted because it turned into a bunfight.

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