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Can't get this out of my mind...

41 replies

FireandBrimstone · 01/09/2016 17:34

Yes, it's a TAAT for which I'm sorry but I can't stop thinking about the very recent thread where the poor woman's son had died, a few MNers were offering help local to her and it was just the saddest thing. I didn't post but was following and was worrying a lot for the mother. And now can't find the thread at all - was it pulled?

OP posts:
MaureenMLove · 01/09/2016 21:01

I even checked when the schools went back in NY! My intention was to report this evening when i read it again tonight, but it had already gone.

Haffdonga · 01/09/2016 21:01

The only positive thing is that for once people managed to refrain from openly troll hunting on the thread but reporting instead. Just in case that poor woman was real then she wasn't further traumatised by snide remarks and accusations. If she wasn't real then MN get to remove her quickly before she traumatises others.

(I reported too.)

Sallycinnamum · 01/09/2016 21:05

I know...I should've trusted my gut but I just couldn't get my head around anyone being so sick to lie about the death of a child. I felt guilty even thinking that badly of someone.

wombattoo · 01/09/2016 21:07

I know it's been said so many times, but bloody hell. It makes you suspicious of every thread.

Mirandawest · 01/09/2016 21:15

It felt odd to me from the beginning tbh. Read the start and then didn't go back.

ImperialBlether · 01/09/2016 23:06

She was obviously a troll. There's such a sad desperate tone to the real threads that just can't be emulated by trolls. It's as though they're trying to copy emotions.

FeralBeryl · 01/09/2016 23:15

Heartbreaking isn't it Sad
The mess someone must be in to sit and bullshit about our worst nightmare.
The tone was all wrong and then the picture....
I was also wondering why the neighbours hadn't been to support her if they saw everything.
My crawly spidey sense arm was going wild.
Really glad all the reporting did its job rather than a load of open hunting on the thread.

It's so sad when people start sharing their own experiences, poking their own personal wounds in an attempt to try and help someone only for it to be bullshit. Wicked.

tigerdriverII · 01/09/2016 23:18

Just pleased there was no troll hunting: I read the thread and nearly reported, others more canny than me. Completely sick.

Friolero · 02/09/2016 00:09

I was convinced it was a troll, it didn't sound genuine in the slightest but didn't report as I felt bad just in case I'd got it wrong.

PurpleDaisies · 02/09/2016 00:11

frio threads don't get deleted on the sole basis of reports that they op might be a troll. I've reported plenty that have stayed up because Mnhq couldn't find anything to back up then not being legitimate (which doesn't guarantee not troll).

No one knows you've reported except Mnhq. There's no downside to pressing the button and saying what's made you suspicious.

Coconutty · 02/09/2016 07:58

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MamOfTwo · 02/09/2016 09:43

Also reported early on. Just something 'off' about it.

Coconutty · 02/09/2016 21:11

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WellErrr · 03/09/2016 05:27


Sick fucker.

HateSummer · 03/09/2016 05:46

What a sick shit. I read that thread on monday when my dh's 21 year old nephew was killed in an accident. Seeing his mum cry was absolutely gut wrenching. The most painful thing a parent can go through.

What kind of sick fuck would make up a story like that? Horrible horrible people.

WannaBe · 03/09/2016 08:39

I reported early on and got a mass mail saying they couldn't be sure at that point so they must have been inundated with reports.

TBH even if the thread had been left theres no way I wouldn't have thought it was a troll.

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