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Last Day not working properly

3 replies

emwithme · 26/01/2016 19:27

Apparently, only 54 threads have been started in the "last day", which is weird because "last hour" brings up 191.

Using the desktop site on a windows 8.1 laptop running Chrome.

OP posts:
cozietoesie · 26/01/2016 20:46

Try FireFox. Smile

I have my suspicions about Windows 8 as well. There seem to be an awful lot of glitches since Microsoft brought in Windows 10.

emwithme · 26/01/2016 20:37

I'm now up to 225 using Chrome.

Internet explorer (shudder) says the same.

Also, that was FUCKING hard. I had to (a) use IE and (b) reset my password cos I have no braincells left.

OP posts:
cozietoesie · 26/01/2016 20:06

I currently get 338 Last Day threads on the desktop site. ( Windows 10 and FF.) Have you tried using another browser and seeing if there's a difference?

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