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Roar at deletion message

41 replies

DonkeyOaty · 24/11/2015 09:36


to think MNHQ are pathetic1

Thread deleted

Message from MNHQ: There once was a poster called mileend
who had a big moan to make friends
MNHQ rolled their eyes
MNetters did cry
"Just be nice and don't be abellmeany"


OP posts:
DeirdreDoo · 26/11/2015 08:36

Pausing GrinGrin

ThumbWitchesAbroad · 25/11/2015 22:55

The OP has gone, yes. Whether she chose to leave or was booted, is moot.
Either way, she's not some innocent mistaken victim of MN bullying, she was a nasty goady fucker and she set her own path when she posted the email from MNHQ and called them pathetic.

TheoriginalLEM · 25/11/2015 17:36

and i guess the OP is banned now?

TheoriginalLEM · 25/11/2015 17:35

I agree with usual - but then maybe not, because free speech and all that, and what DID piglet john say?

PausingFlatly · 25/11/2015 17:29

Oh dear. Does that mean those of us who ask "What would OliviaMN do?" are fucked?

MistressMerryWeather · 25/11/2015 17:15


I can spell, honest.

MistressMerryWeather · 25/11/2015 17:14

I'm guessing Steve Jobs would have posted a lot worse than a limerick. :o

I could see Dumbledore coming up with a humourious poem of sorts though.

DeirdreDoo · 25/11/2015 17:02

In situations like this, for me it becomes a question of 'what would Jesus/Steve Jobs/Albus Dumbledore (insert role model of choice) do?' and if I think they would post a daft limerick about someone who had got themselves into some shit and already been penalised accordingly. And actually no, I don't think they would.

It's at least a bit unbecoming.

usual · 25/11/2015 16:54

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MistressMerryWeather · 25/11/2015 16:45

They should only be impartial a point, IMO.

Why should they have to sit back and be called/accused of all sorts.

One of the reasons I like posting on MN is because the 'powers that be' don't treat us like a bunch of children.

If you're going to behave like dick, expect to be treated like one.

Samcro · 25/11/2015 16:34

I don't like stuff like this from mn hq
its like they"want to get down with the kids"
they should be impartial.

MistressMerryWeather · 25/11/2015 16:30

And she made a mockery of herself.

MistressMerryWeather · 25/11/2015 16:30

It's an anonymous forum, she has not been publicly humiliated.

Unless she takes this to the Daily Mail for some sad face pictures and a moan about being bullied on MN no one knows who the feck she is.

I'm personally delighted that nasty, goady fuckers are being dealt with like this by HQ. It has been a long time coming.

DeirdreDoo · 25/11/2015 16:13

Look, you have reason and her actions were at best uncalled for. Whatever she did though, it does feel like she is now being publicly humiliated and maybe people do think she 'deserves' it, but I don't think two wrongs make a right.

Ban her, delete the thread by all means, act within reason to stop her doing, well, what she was doing.

But don't make a mockery of her. That's just not right.

PausingFlatly · 25/11/2015 14:54

NB I didn't post on that thread, so can't be accused of a pile-in.

But I'm really not going to criticise MNHQ for banning her and making the punishment fit the crime.

If she's really feeling awful for being banned/poemed - which I doubt - she could reflect on how her own behaviour affected people.

PausingFlatly · 25/11/2015 14:49

"inadvertently asked for it"?
"end up in the spotlight randomly"?

She started a thread calling MNHQ names - for asking her very nicely, in private, to moderate her behaviour!

If the scenario you describe were true, Deridre, then yes, the deletion poem might have been a bit harsh.

But if the scenario you describe were true, I doubt MNHQ would have posted such a poem. In fact, there would have been no thread to post it on.

Meanie learns she can gets done by as she did. Boohoo.

GruntledOne · 25/11/2015 14:44

Hang on, Deirdre, the poster was publicly calling people morons. On what planet is that not malicious? And she'd apparently received a warning previously. She chose to publish MN's email to her, including direct quotes of the sort of comments they were referring to, and they were very aggressive and unpleasant. Given that she couldn't see what was wrong with that, she could hardly complain if people said in fairly forthright terms that MN were right. She didn't "end up in the spotlight randomly", she put herself there.

ThenLaterWhenItGotDark · 25/11/2015 14:43

I agree with Usual.

Had the very first answer to the OP been in agreement with her then it would have been deleted immediately.

Because everyone was taking the piss out of her and siding with HQ it was allowed to run.

HQ surely are supposed to be above publicly shaming individual posters surely? It sits uncomfortably with me and sets a nasty precedent.

coffeeisnectar · 25/11/2015 14:41

I think the op had been warned previously but continued being a goadyfucker in the aibu part of the site, including making threads designed to start a fight.

Posting your warning email up and called mnhq names and insisting that there is a hierarchy within the site just annoyed people.

I wasn't horrible to her, I told her it was a good site and had the right level of moderating and maybe she could just rein it in a bit.

But she wouldn't shut up. She kept coming back with more justifications for her posting style.

Mn made the right decision and the deletion message is justified.

usual · 25/11/2015 14:39

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usual · 25/11/2015 14:37

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MilkTwoSugarsThanks · 25/11/2015 14:33

Perhaps she should have just quietly taken on board what MNHQ were saying and not started a thread about it then Deirdre?


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mammuzzamia · 25/11/2015 14:32

I think I agree with Deirdre too. Badly done, MN.

DeirdreDoo · 25/11/2015 14:29

Yes, I saw and read the thread. All I saw was a poster who was baffled that they had been given a warning over some frankly not that unusual language on AIBU.

If she had known she was being too much of a twat I am sure she would have reined it in. It was as though she thought it was usual to speak like that. Yes, bits of her language were unpleasant. But it wasn't malicious in the eay that some folks are - and in any case it would surely be the right thing to retain a bit of dignity all round, and not take the piss out of her as she was heading out the door?

I thought the thread was horrible too.

It was just a massive pile in - and yes perhaps she inadvertently asked for it but I for one felt very sorry for her when everyone and his dog started to join the throng.

We all cock up sometimes. I've cocked up before many times, had a 'cautionary' email, not to that extent but 'well we did feel a couple of your comments were beyond the pale' type of thing, which tbh was over something far tamer than I have posted at other times, on other threads.

Sometimes you end up in the spotlight randomly. It's awful, and I don't think the way this was handled was appropriate. I'm imagining that poster and how they might be feeling.

People could just have calmly pointed out that they felt it was justified, and yes she needed to moderate her language and behaviour, without getting the klaxons out and making her feel like a total wanker.

usual · 25/11/2015 08:53

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